⚡️twenty three⚡️

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Grayson and Ethan's birthday

Luna's p.o.v

I slipped the converse on my feet and let out a huff of air. Even if I was still mad at Grayson, I wouldn't miss his or Ethan's birthday for anything.

I didn't try hiding my baby bump. My parents knew and they were excited for my grandchildren along with Grayson's parents.

"Mommy, can I give the presents to daddy?" He asked.

Ashton was completely oblivious to the fight Grayson and I had. He's a kid, I'm not putting the stress of us on him. He thinks that Grayson was on a business trip.

"Of course baby." I smiled down at him.

He smiled and ran out of the room, grabbing his hulk on the way out.

"You ready to go?" Makayla came in to the room.

I nodded my head and grabbed both Ethan and Grayson's gift. Makayla went and got them from the house.

I was nervous to see Grayson. What if he's mad and doesn't want me at his party? What if he tells me to get the fuck out?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and walked into the living room. Ethan was already at the party. I looked at myself in the living room mirror and shrugged. Good enough.

I walked outside and towards the car. Ashton was already in his car seat.

"You got the buckles this time, good job!" I ruffled his hair and he giggled.

I placed the presents next to Ashton and sat in the passenger seat.

Makayla was locking the house and lightly jogging towards the car.

"We're already late." She chuckled and hopped in to the drivers seat.

"And whose fault would that be?"

"It's not my fault I want to look good for Ethan." She responded back.

"Oh shut it. You always look amazing." I looked over at her.

"That's you." She reversed out of the driveway.

I gave my phone to Ashton and we drove towards the house.


I stepped out of the car and stared at the house in front of me. The house I hadn't seen in a while. Cars were parked in the driveway so we parked in the street. Since it was mid December, snow was all over the ground.

I adjusted my beanie and opened the door, unbuckling Ashton's seat. He jumped out of the car and onto the curb.

"Momma, can you hold me." He reached his arms up.

I nodded and handed him the gifts I had in my hand. I lifted him up and he put his arm around me.

Makayla walked out from her side holding her gifts and the three of us walked up to the door.

Makayla knocked and stood back. The nerves in my body shot up as we waited in anticipation for whoever was going to open the door.

The door opened and there stood Ethan. He smiled and gave Makayla a hug and a kiss. He looked at me and his smile dropped.

"What are you doing holding him? You have two babies in that belly." He looked at me and reached for Ashton.

"Huh? Babies? What?" Ashton looked at me and my stomach.

I glared at Ethan. I didn't want to tell Ashton until later.

"Forget what I said buddy." Ethan looked at Ashton and tickled him.

Ashton laughed and grabbed onto his sweater. Ethan let us in the house and set Ashton down.

Ashton reached up and handed him the gifts. Ethan thanked him and walked over to the counter, setting them down.

I heard many people talking and walked into the kitchen. I recognized my family and Grayson's family along with other people, who I assumed were aunts and uncles. I didn't tell my family about the fight because i didn't want them to worry about my future along with the babies.

"Daddy!" Ashton yelled and zoomed past me. Grayson turned around from his sister and looked at Ashton. His face lit up as he squatted down and engulfed him in a big hug.

Once him and Ashton were done with the hug, he picked him up and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Damnit Grayson, stop being so cute. I'm still mad.

"I missed you buddy."

I looked down when I felt a small pull. Sophia stood there smiling up at me.

I put my purse onto the counter and picked her up, giving her a hug. I teared up a bit and gave her a squeeze. My pregnancy hormones are through the roof.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, mommy."

I heard someone clear there throat and I turned around to Ethan.

"What did I tell you earlier? No picking things up." He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and let Sophia down.

I stood back up and looked around. Everyone was indulged in there own conversation except one person.

His beautiful eyes stared at me and I stared back.


Sorry this is unedited. I just wanted to get some updates out today.

One more update coming!

Thanks for reading!


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