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Toms POV
I sat on my couch drinking Smirnoff as I hear I knock on the door. I get up and who else do I see but tord, TORD the one who tried kill me, matt and edd and still has the guts to show his face here " hello old fr-"is all he said before I shut the door in his face. " listen i know you probably want to kill me right now and I under stand that. I just wanted to say that I'm s-sorry and that I feel horrible for what I did" by now I could hear his sobs through the door. I sigh and open the door and tord looks up " h-huh" he said and stairs at me like I just grew eyes on my forehead " well you coming in or what," I say and smile "I don't want anyone to think I made you cry" as he slowly walks in i shut the door but didn't notice that Suzan was on the floor and I tripped over her and shut my eyes bracing for impact and when I open my eyes I see tord underneath Me and we both turn a dark shade of red he looks kinda cute like th- no what are you thinking tom this is tord I sigh and get up and help up tord then I realize that he has a robot arm. As I was staring at it I realized that tord was starting to cry "I am not your friend!" I say as I shoot a harpoon at tord's robot. Direct hit the robot explodes and I start to lose my balance but matt and edd catch me that's when I realize that I caused his arm to look like that " I'm so sorry tord" he looks up and I could see a small smile on his face " it's ok tom" and we just stand there until there's a knock at the door.

Hahaha cliff hanger I'm so evil. Don't worry the smut will come soon most likely in the third chapter but that's all for now author Chan out~

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