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Edds pov

me and matt were walking back from the part when we came across tord leaving tom's apartment, i was about to run up and say hey but matt held an arm out infront of me. i looked up and saw he had a serious expression on, this worried me, matt was never serious. 

he turned to me and spoke "the door was kicked in edd, theres two strange men and tom isnt moving, look he's on tord's shoulder" he said and pointed at tord and i saw he was correct. tord was leaving the apartment with two strangers and tom slumped over his shoulder. 

i felt like i had to do something but i couldnt move, all i could do was stare at them leaving. wide eyed i turned back to matt

"t-t-they-...t-t-tord-.. not again" i managed to get out. matt took me into a hug and rubbed my back 

"we don't know everything, it will be ok edd" he said to me trying to calm me down.

Tords pov

leaving the apartment complex i felt the weight of my regret start to sink in. why am i doing this? i could've just stayed there with edd, matt and.. tom. I'm sorry for betraying you guys again, at least no one will get hurt this time. 

i walked with the two until we got to their car, pat opened the door for me and i placed tom down as gently as i could before sitting in the back with him myself. 

the car ride was long and silent as it usually is but this time it was felt so awkward i wanted to scream so badly but i sat there and looked out the window until i felt tom's sleeping figure slump over onto my shoulder. looking down at him just made me feel worse. i wanted to jump out of the car and run, just run until i couldn't breathe anymore. this stress and anxiety doesn't feel right, i can't stand it. i cant let this continue. i'm ending this here, for edd, for matt, and for tom...

"pull over, now" i finally say out loud. pat, who was driving, glanced back at me then did as he was told. "i'm leaving, you cant convince me to stay," i said to them. 

"but sir-" pat started

"the army needs you to lead them!" paul finished 

"i just told you its impossible to convince me, now unlock the door," i said but the door's remained locked and the two faced forward 

"i cant do that sir," pat said before pulling onto the road again.

"wait what are you doing, let me out this instant!" i shouted.  this wasn't like them, they'd never disobey me. 

"you aren't in the right state of mind right now, you're emotionally attached to those three guys, especially the blue one, we cant let your emotions take control of the mission" paul said 

"I am your leader! you listen to me!" i continued "if you don't let me out i-.. i'll blow up the base, you know i can!" 

"sir please don't make any irrational decisions, you need to stay calm and continue the mission-" paul started 

"HOW CAN I STAY CALM WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING ME HERE AGAINST MY WILL!" i yelled at them, so loudly pat nearly swerved into the wrong lane. 

"s-sir are you sure- you really want to leave?" pat stuttered out trying to focus on the road.

i sighed "yes im positive, now pull over and let me out" i pointed at a motel coming up "right there, let me and tom out here"

pat pulled over and 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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