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Toms POV
The door opened and edd stood there wide eyed " t-tord w-what are you d-doing here" he said tears now forming In his eyes " i-i-i'm so s-sorry edd"
" edd do you think I'd let him into my apartment if I still thought he was bad, I mean why would he come to me, I'm be the one who
Hated him most"
" I guess your right tom" edd said wiping his tears. His face turned to a shocked expression as tord hugged him " edd I'm so so so sorry" tord said " it's alright tord I forgive you. But I should get going" edd said as he turned and shut the door " hey tord your sleeping in my room, and I'll sleep on the couch"
" no tom I- I can't let you do that I'll just sleep in the couch"
" nope my house my rules your sleeping in my room" I said and lifted him up and put him over my shoulder. His face was bright red and I chuckled " y-you don't have to carry me tom I can walk myself"
" your face says otherwise" I say as he gets even redder
I set tord down on my bed and start to walk away until I feel something tugging on my sweater. I turn around and tord is holding onto my sleeve "c-can you s-sleep here with m-me tom" he says and turns as red as his sweater he's kinda cute like this " sure I'll sleep
Here with you" I say as I lay down next to him

~time skip brought to you by gayness~
Tords POV
I wake up to a flash and see matt and edd taking a picture of me and tom who has his arm wrapped around me. When he starts to wake up edd and matt slip out of the room and I pretend to still be asleep. Tom looks at me and I can hear him lightly chuckle. He leans down and whispers something in my ear and I blush slightly which causes him to move back a little.
Toms POV
Ugh I can't do this anymore he's too cute. I turn him around and kiss him. He looked shocked but that soon faded away along with everything else the apartment , the bed, Matt and Edd, Wait Matt and Edd!?!? I sit up and see matt about to die of fanboying and Edd taking 100 pictures. Me and tord both turn red. I get up and I look like I'm about to kill my them "why the Hell are you in My Apartment!!"
Matt's screaming something about  'not the face' and Edd shouts back at me " we just wanted to see how you two were doing and to make sure you didn't kill each other!"
~~~~~time skip brought to you~~~~~~
                    By the color red
After chasing Matt and Edd around my house they finally ran out screaming and I shut the door and locked it. I walked back to my room to see that tord wasn't there. I turn around to the smell of bacon and eggs. Yum! I walk into the kitchen to see tord cooking. I put my arms around his shoulders and look over at what he's making " sit down tom the food will be done soon.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of my horrible tomtord story. Next chapter should be out soon
Author Chan out~

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