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⚠️smut ahead children you have been warned⚠️
Toms POV
After breakfast me and tord both sat on the couch and watched whatever show was on last. As we were watching tord keeps squirming around like he wanted to say something but was debating weither or not to say it "hey tord you ok?" tord looked up and realized i noticed his uncomfortable state "um- actually i wanted to talk to about the kiss before.." my face flushed red "um I-I'm sorry I wasn't thinking when I did it I know you wouldn't want to kiss me anywa-" that was all I could get out before tord grabbed my hood and pulled me into a passionate kiss. At first I was shocked and didn't kiss back but soon I melted into the kiss
Tord's POV
The kiss was getting heated and tom licked my bottom lip asking for entrance i gladly let him in and he explored all over my mouth and we separated for air and removed our hoodies and shirts and he dove down and started kissing my neck and he found my sweet spot and left purple mark "your mine" he said in a low voice which made me want him more and he started palming  me through my pants and i let out small moans " t-tom~ I want you I-inside if me~ now~" tom gave out a deep chuckle "well isn't someone needy today" he said as he tore off my pants and my boxers along with them and tom was staring at me "what you like what you see" i said and tom chuckled again "oh yeah" he said and he grabbed my member and startes to lick the tip " ah~ t-t-tom pl-please stop teasing me~" as I said that he took my whole member in his mouth earning a gasp from me and he started bobbing his head up and down at a slow pace but started to go faster "tom~ I need you inside of me~ now!~" tom lifted his head up and smirked " beg for it" I squirmed beneath him "please tom I need you now~"  that was all I had to say for him to unbuckle his pants and pull them down along with his boxers and lined up with my entrance I closed my eyes as he went in it was painful at first and he could tell because he let me adjust and the pain went away and in its place pleasure took over. I started grinding against him signaling he can move and he did but very slowly "f-fas~fuck tom faster" and he went faster and faster until he was all the way in and kept going like that with every thrust he was all the way and I could feel the thrust get sloppier and I could feel myself finishing up too " t-tom I'm gonna~"  " yeah me too" and he gave one final thrust and we both came at the same time and he pulled out and payed down next to me wrapping us both in a nearby blanket hanging off the side of the couch " I love you tord" " I love you to tom" and we both fell asleep on the couch.
"What is going on over there" edd said to matt as they both decided to check on their two friends to make sure they didn't kill each other. Edd and matt decided to go over to Toms apartment and Edd opened the and as soon as he did a mixture of shock and disgust appeared on his face " what happened?" Matt asked " nothing your too innocent to know" edd said pushing matt away from the apartment and back to his to finish the movie they were watching.

I FINALY DID IT! I WROTE A SMUT CHAPTER! Sorry for the long wait I wanted this chapter to be the best so that wait wasn't for nothing but the chapter is complete and the updates should be on a somewhat scheduled system thingy I don't know but hey I did it. Author Chan out~

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