~They're After You~

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(Sorry for this being so late kinda. I've just kind alodt idea what to write)

              ~Narrator prov~
You tell The Devil what happen but he still laughed and ealked away. "I swear im going to kill that guy" you said to yourself. "Don't try, if i couldn't do it you couldn't," CupHead said cuz he over heard you.

"Oh the bed thief is up," you said looking at and let out a chuckle. You could see a little blush go on his face as he said "really?". "Yep bed thief, now get off" you said smirking. "Nope, it's too comfy" he replied laying back down.  You moved your leg and kicked him off "And now you got off the hard way!" You giggled as CupHead rubbed the back of his neck and got up.

You two where kinda becoming friends. You guessed that was kinda good, every one needs friends in life. "Now get out I need to change" you say sitting Kris Kross.  "Fiiiiiiine" He groaned and walked out. You where lieing. You had already changed your clothes and you just wanted some alone time. You grabed a book, The SpiderWick Chronicles, The Wrath Of MulGarath. (You have to read this!!!! But read every book! All five! It's so good!!!!)

It was a good book story. And you where finally at the fifth book. You started to read the pages. And when you where done. You where crying. (Im sorry. I cried at the end so now will you!!!) MugMan open door and his face turned to worry. "You ok Y/N?" You said with worry in his voice and face. "Yeah, it's just the book's ending was so sad.....," You replied to the worry cup. "Ummmm.... Ok?" He was more confused then worried now.

"Yeah.... Don't ask," you said scratching the back of your neck. "Alrighty," He said and then walked oit alittle weirded out.

Well that was awkward... You thought. You got up and put the book away. They did make a a new series but you weren't as interested in it than the original. (Sorry i just don't like the second series they made i tried to read it but i didn't like it. Lol) You looked at the time. 7:30. Wow really? The day just flew by You thought about how fast the day went. You changed into you PJs and slipped under your blanket.

This was your new life. You couldn't escape this place. You tried once but you still could remember. You sighed and started to cry. This was kinda torture. Being riped form your love ones. At least you saved your friends, that was the only thing keeping yourself together.

MugMan walked by your door about to open it to check on you but remember what happen earlier and decides to not. You pushed your tears away and fell asleep. Your hair was a mess when you woke up. You got up and grabed your F/C (favorite color) hair brush and brushed your hair.

You put on your uniform and walked out the door so you could work. You walked over behind the bar and saw CupHead drinking some beer. Grabing it form him you say "Dude your on the job, you can't be drunk," and put the glass away. "Fiiiiiiine" he said kinda rude. He got up and walked away to gamble.

After a few hours of giving drinks to people it was your break time. You go over to MugMan waving. "Heya!" You say with a smile. He didn't look at you but waved. What is he looking at? You thought. You try to see what he was looking at. It was that pig guy you two ran away form not too long ago.

Shit You thought. You didn't realized you made eye contact. KingDice walked over to you two alittle curious "What ya all looking at?". MugMan turned his head to you fast as he can and grabs your hand and books it. "Come with me!" He yelled as you two ran past a women bunny looking at a paper on a pole thing and a mouse on a table.

What did i get myself into know? You think.

(Im done!!!!! Sorry that i haven't been writing alot.... I've kinda lost motivation to write but seeing you guys love this foes help alot!!! But sadly this story will end soon. And also i don't really have the time to right. I have school and also homework so yeah. I am doing my best to get it done and write for you guys. And im also running put of ideas to write about so that's a other reason this will end soon. But if ya got a idea PLEASE tell me. But if you like my stories plz go check out the others! Im thinking of writing a story. A story that i came up with. With my own characters. It will take abit longer but i feel think i would have fun writing it. So please tell me your thoughts! Should i start my own story or not! But please remember! Thanks for reading and i love you all!!! 💖

Ps: sorry for saying so much lol

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