A Surprising Day

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(Yep im running out of ideas for the titles)

                 ~Narrator prov~
You jump in shock as you see the guy who was flirting with you thrown to the floor by CupHead. CupHead pointed his finger at he guy. You yelled in shock not thinking "CUPHEAD STOP!" You glared over to you. "What you say?"

                 ~Your prov~
"I SAID STOP!" I cried with tears in my eyes. The whole casino was quite and stareing at the three off us. CupHead, me, and a man that got what he didn't deserve. Well some people would thing i was wrong, but i didn't care. I could see MugMan stareing at us form a bit away. Sson he started walking over and asked in a annoyed tone "what THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?". I jumped when he raised his voice. Cuphead looked embarrassed and replayed to he brother "uhhhh protecting Y/N form this guy......?". He said it like a question. Really? I thought. (Yep doing something else for the thinking parts.

               ~CupHead prov~
Shit ballz i thought. (Me every day). There was my dick of a brother ready to beat my ass. (sorry for the language, this is how i just see them being like this.) He looked at me with disgust at my words. "Get off the guy god dammit!" He yelled. I left the guy alone and walked off. Y/N ran around the bar's counter and help the guy up. She is way to nice to be here.

               ~MugMan prov~
My bro is such a fucking idiot i thought. Ready to shoot any one. But he was fun to hang out with. I do have to save his ass when he does dumb shit all on his own. I walk away to stopped when i got to CupHead. "Hey bro, i got a idea" i whispered in his ear(do they even have ears?) "What is it?" He replied.

                ~Narrator prov~
MugMan told CupHead his idea and made him jump in joy. "We should do that!" He brust out. "Shut it! No one needs to know expext them" he hitted his brother's head saying. "HEY!" CupHead yelled in anger. "Get over it." He told his brother and walked off.

You got back to giving drinks to everyone. Once and awhile you'll give some one food. After a few hours of working the day was done. You walked off to your room and layed down on your stomach. And thought what happen earlier. What CupHead did.

                 ~Your prov~
Why did CupHead do that? Why did he throw that guy to the ground? All he did was flirt with me. This questions ran around in my head but they disappeared when i hear the door knock. "Come in!" I yelled at the door. It was MugMan with my dinner. I sat up. He walked over and placed it on the bed saying "There you go miss". Is he nicer then CupHead? Mady.... I thought. "Thanks" i said snaping out of my thoughts. MugMan walked out saying "Good Night". Good night? The hell? But you keep me traped in here? Why say good night to me?!? These thoughts kept spinning in my head. Soon though i fell asleep.

       "Tomorrow is a other day"

(There we go im done! Yeah sorry for it not being to long. Quality over quantity! Hope you liked it love ya all!

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