Chapter 8

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"WHAT?!" Lucy said jumping around on my bed yet again. 

"I know I know, but yet again there is more to the story" i said while covering my face.

She just gave me a sheepish smile, "Okay go on..."


I laid in bed all Saturday blaring music and thinking about this whole messed up situation. Matt had texted me multiple times and i could not bring myself to reply at all. April was away for the weekend with some girl friends to go shopping in Chicago. My parents were away for the day going on a hike so i was all alone with my thoughts. My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell. I am not prepared to answer it all. My hair is disheveled and I am slumming it in black leggings and an old sweatshirt. I almost thought i would just continue to let it ring but it was getting annoying and i was not sure if one of us was expecting a package so i slumped down to the door. I open the door "Calm -" but i did not get the rest out because i was shocked at who was standing in my doorway.  

Matt was looking down at me with a look in his eyes i couldn't quite understand, "Why are you ignoring me? Are you trying to drive me insane?" 

I was at a loss for words. I stood there for what felt like forever. Matt cracked a smile and I was snapped out of my stupor. 

"What are you smiling about?"

He laughed,"I cannot believe I made you speechless!"

I slammed the door in his face. I do not have time for this and I need to be away from him in order to make decisions. That thought was interrupted when the door swung open. Matt walked in and for a moment i was shocked that this Adonis was walking towards me. 

He stopped in front of me, "Please can we talk?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

He took a step towards me and i took a step back. His face fell a little, "Ci you know i want to talk about us."

"Alright talk and I will listen" I said while walking into the kitchen. I hopped up on the kitchen counter while he took a seat at the table. I wanted as much space between us as possible. 

"I pour my heart out to you and you want to chat like a couple of friends?" He said sourly. 

I laughed sarcastically, "You really know how to make me want to open up."

"Okay lets restart then. I want to be with you and thats that. What are we doing about it?" 

I was yet again stunned," Well seeing as how you were just sucking face with my sister a few weeks ago, we are not doing anything about it." 

"Let me explain myself here then. I was going out with you sister to kill the time and i know that sounds awful. You know she changes men with the season, and I am not saying anything bad about your sister but we all knew her and I were not going to last. We dated because it was expected of us not because we liked each other. I did not even know what it meant to like someone til I met you. " 

I was trying to comprehend everything, "So you guys just dated to date? " 

He looked at me shyly, " Yeah, honestly thats why. Your sister asked if we could go out so she could win the Homecoming dance. I told her sure and this is where we are now. "

I believed that my sister asked him to date her for that reason because she is a social climber. I do not judge her for that and honestly it is high school so I am not stressed about her petty actions. My thoughts were interrupted by Matt. 

"You have not said much. I cannot even tell what you are thinking, like do you even like me?" He looked on the brink of heart break. I had to really think about what was just asked of me. Do i like him? What am i saying, of course i like him. 

He got up and moved towards me. My heart started racing. He came so close that i could see flecks of green in his eyes.  "Ci just tell me you like me. I know you do. I cannot be the only one feeling this emotion between us." 

I put my hands on his chest to push him away but his firm hands covered over mine. My mind was scrambled. "Matt we just... we just can't be together." 

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that Victoria."

He used my first name and it just threw me for a loop. I knew i could not look him in the eyes and tell him i did not want to be with him. I looked up at him and the mood instantly changed. He looked at me like I held every answer he wanted to know. I relished in this feeling and then it happened . He kissed me. The feeling was no different than the first time. I saw my whole life with him again. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I surprised myself and wrapped my legs around him. The kiss got deeper and I heard a moan escape from my lips. I did not expect the reactions that was coming from my body. He was all over me in a moments notice. He picked me up off the counter. I broke the kiss. 

"Matt stop."

He immediately stopped and looked at me."Did I do something wrong? I am sorry if i did, talk to me"

This man just continuelly  surprises me. I did not know what else to do, so i kissed him. He was surprised too but it was only seconds before i felt him return my hunger. He broke the kiss this time though, "So does this mean you like me?" 

He had this cocky look on his face. I smiled,"Put me down Matt." 

He looked heart broken, "Can't you just say it?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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