Chapter 4

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           Lucy threw some popcorn in her mouth,"I loved going shopping with you that day and going to Homecoming with you was great."

          "Thanks Luce do you want me to continue on or can I go to bed?"

She smiled,"Not even close to being done."


         I came home after shopping hearing giggling. I set my bags down and creeped around the corner into the living room. I saw Matt on top of my sister doing God knows what. I cleared my throat and they both jumped. Matt fell onto the floor and April was exposed with having only a bra on. I felt my cheeks getting hot. Matt stood up,"Sorry you had to walk in on that Ci."

           April buttoned her shirt up,"Yea sorry Ci."

My face just kept getting hotter,"I will uh....up stairs."

                 I started walking backwards and tripped on a shoe. I landed with a THUD. I felt a sharp pain in my head. Matt ran over to me,"Are you okay?"

     April lifted my head gently,"Ci talk to me."

              I pushed her off me,"I'm fine."

I grabbed my bags and stomped up the stairs. I slammed my door shut. I have no idea why I am pissed. My head is killing me though. I walked into my bathroom and found some pain reliever. I could feel a lump form on the back of my head. A week from today would be homecoming and i hope to God this lump goes away.

        I went to lay down and right when I got comfortable i heard a knock at my door.

                     "Go away."

         Even though I said go away I heard my door open. "Do you not get what go away means?"

                I heard Matt's voice,"I just wanted to see if your ok."

                           "Where is my sister?"

 I felt a dip in my bed,"She is getting ready for me to take her on our date."

         We sat silently and I was almost alseep until,"Why haven't had a boyfriend?"

 He totally pulled that out of his ass,"What do you care?"

        "It's just most girls would be dying if they were you."

  "Well I'm not going to say that I'm not like other girls because thats a cliche.  I just don't feel like I need a boyfriend, I'm not like my sister."

        He laughed softly,"I know."

I wonder what that meant but I wasn't going to ask,"Why do you date so many girls?"

      He was quiet for a few moments,"I'm really not sure."

My sister walked in looking perfectly as always,"Are you ok Ci? I am really sorry about earlier."

     I smiled,"I'm fine April. Go and have fun."

                 I felt Matt get up and heard my door quietly shut.


             I got up and got ready for school monday morning. As I was throwing my Buzz Light Year  shirt I heard my phone go off. 


        "Hey Ci it's Matt. I was wondering if you could wait for me after school."

                  "After football?"

                                     "Yea? "

                    "I don't know....."

   I could hear he was desperate,"I will buy you a new book!"

                     "Any book?"

               "Yes any book."

                             "I will be in the parking lot."


             I was listening to Seether in the parking lot when i felt a hard impact on the back of my head.

         "What the he-" I was interrupted when i was hit again.

                  I turned around at the sound of laughter. On the ground were deflated footballs,"What ass munch just did that?"

           Matt walked up with douch clones laughing,"It was just a joke Ci."

                    "I will show you a damn joke."

I threw a punch at him and hit him sqaure in the eye. His friend Josh came and grabbed my arms. I threw my leg back and kicked him in the nuts. Another one came to hold me back from giving Josh his seconds. I think his name was Tim, anyways I elbowed him in the stomache and followed up by breaking his nose. None of the other guys would come near me.

               Matt looked at me,"Damn Ci. I didn't know you had that in you."

                       "If you ever come near me again I will fuck you up."

   It wasn't like I wouldv'e overreacted like that if it weren't for two reasons. 1. I already had a huge welt on my head and when they hit it the welt it hurt like hell. 2, I hate douchebags.

                   I really don't think Matt can take a hint because he was following me to my car.

             "Matt back the hell off."

                       He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to where I was looking into his hurt blue eyes,"Medici, I am sorry. It was just a joke. Anyways I think you just earned all of their respect."

                   I felt really bad,"I'm sorry too. I shouldv'e just kicked your asses not theirs."

         "That's comforting."

                        I laughed,"Get in the car before I change my mind. By the way you owe me two books."

     He laughed in agreement.


           I was dropping Matt off at his house when he hesitated reaching for the door handle.


                       I sighed agrivated,"What Matt?"

        "Do you think if I wasn't a complete douche in your eyes I could have a chance with you?"

           What kind of question is that?

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