this is love

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It took Chandler a while to hear the words that we're coming out of Scott mouth.
"Chandler I'm sorry but we're killing Carl off. It would give the characters something to be interested in." Scott says as Chandler just kept sitting there blinking trying to comprehend what had just been said.
"So in other words you're firing my son!" His dad yells to Scott.
"Dad calm down! If anything it will help. I can finally work on other stuff." Chandler begins saying before get Inturupted.
"And things?" It was Andrew. He stayed quite for a while so they actually forgot he was there.
"Yeah stuff and thangggs dad" Chandler say mocking Andrew and the room was filled with laughs.
"So, do you understand Chandler?" Scott asked as he glanced at Chandler's Dad a few times. However his dad never stopped glaring at him.

Chandler's P. O. V
We finally get in the car. I let out a long sigh. I can't believe they're killing Carl. I'm in disbelief however my dad is pissed. Well pissed is an understatement.
"I never trusted AMC! " He screamed as he shut the door and buckled up.
"Dad just calm down we don't want you angry and driving! We all remember how that turned out last time!" I screamed back I was honestly so done.
We were finally home. I take my phone out of my pocket and began walking up to the door. I sighed once again I didn't even say bye to my dad. I just walked up to my door unlocked it and went straight to my room. I looked at my phone.
"I guess I should call y/n. She's my best friend she needs to know." I say out loud as if someone was going to respond. Y/n didn't watch the show and she could keep a secret so that was great.
Call after call she didn't pick up. If she doesn't pick up this time I'll wait and call later. Just as I was about to call my phone lit up and it was her
"Hey chandler, you called like 500 times. Something better be wrong." She said with her annoyed voice that was so cute. Like a sister cute not like that. No Chandler God. I shake the thoughts out of my head.
"Y-yeah something is wrong. Can you come over?" I asked noticing the voice crack in my voice she also noticed.
"Yeah of course I'll be there soon." She says with a worried tone.
"Okay the door is open."
"Alright do you want me to stay on the phone with you or what?" She asked kinda scared I hear car keys moving around. She was in the car now.
"No it's fine I know how much you love listing to the radio while driving." I laugh at the last part thinking of all the times she would sing or dance while driving us places.

Y/n P. O. V
........................................................................ I began driving. I didn't turn the radio on or anything. I couldn't get his voice out of my head. What the hell does he mean something is wrong. It could mean so much. Did his mom pass away? I finally pull up into the drive way. I walked up to door and opened it. I basically lived there so it was okay.
"Chandler?" I yell so he knows I'm here.
"I'm in my room! " He screams back. I ran up the stairs.
Chandler's P. O. V
I heard her run up the stairs I quickly will the tears away. I know it was stupid but it was like I lost my family.
I saw my door knob turn it was her.
"Hey." I tell her trying to hide the fact I was cry seconds before.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked already noticing the tears.
" Well I was fired. They killed Carl off"
"I'm so sorry to hear that Chan Chan."
"It's not being fired scared me it just the thought of losing the cast." I say as I don't try to hide the tears anymore.
"I'm so sorry but hey you can see them anytime you want. You still follow them so you can meet up with them. Don't worry Chan you will see them again." She said and I smiled.
Y/n P. O. V
He flashed me a quick smile yet faint. I wish I could help him more this is just something I cannot help with.
"So do you want to go to the movie? I'll pay for you." I said with a smirk. He started laughing.
"You dork, you don't have to pay for me. I'll go though." He said while sitting up.
"So what movie?" I asked.
"Ummm" He begans syaing "how about we go to the theatre and watch the first thing we see?"
"Alright that's sounds great." And with that smiled again. His smile could save the world. It was that great. Is it wrong to be in love with my best friend, to love his smile, his laugh, his jokes, his senses of humor and pretty much everything. It's weird I know he doesn't love me back but still I do what ever I can to make him happy.
Chandler P. O. V
I can't say I'm not in love with her anymore. She's beautiful as always even when she didn't try. It was her laugh, her eyes, her smile and her cuteness. The way she blushed every time she would smile from a joke. Her voice when she would get annoyed. I would get jealous everytime a guy would hit on her. She's to good to be with me. I would be so ashamed if my fans would hate on her because she wouldn't deserve it at all. That's why I'm scared of asking her out. She's famous though she's a guitarist and a singer. She's amazing and I want her to be mine. I quickly snap out if my thoughts as I realized that she had her head on my lap. Staring up at the ceiling. She was clearly in her thoughts as well. Her eyes quickly dart up to mine.
"What we're you thinking about" She asked as she stopped looking at me and moved her attention to the ceiling.
"A very special person"
"Who is it? " She jumped up from my lap and was jumping up and down.
I began smiling as the words came with ease "We'll she's" I got Interrupted.
"Well at least I know you're not gay. You do like to hide secrets from me." She say as we both started laughing.
"As I was saying. She's cute, funny, smart, amazing and sometimes can be annoying. But a good annoying. " My heart kept telling me to tell her. However my head thought there were to many flaws.
"Tell me more please please please!" She begged I new it would be best if I told her. Maybe she would like me back. Well hopefully.
"Well she's just amazing, she is my best friend and we are going to the movies and watching a random one today actually. She was the first one I called when I found out about my job. The last thing is she's sitting on by bed." She looked confused then she looked down and folded her hands in her lap. I drop my head I couldn't believe I told her.
"Chandler" She said in a sad tone I didn't lift my head up I knew she would say no. She lifts my chin up staring into my eyes "Chandler, do you know how long I waited to hear those words. Now how about we go on the date." I couldn't believe what I heard but the corner of my lips moved upward forming a smile.
"Y/n will-will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course Chan Chan." She says and I leaned forward she did the same. Our lips interlocked and moved in sync with with each other. I never felt so much love for one person. This is love.

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