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Magnus Bane
Chapter 3: The friend of many years ago


Alec's P.O.V

I am quite worried. What could be wrong with Magnus? Could Mary Stole really help? There is so much I don't know of Magnus.. what history did they have together?

I shouldn't be jealous on hard times like this, but that is quite difficult to be honest! My black sportsbag lays on Magnus' bed while I pack stuff for him and me. Mom said that it could take months to find Mary Stole, so I grab a lot of clothes.

My taste differs so much with that of Magnus so I pick the clothes I would never wear and pack it for him. I look at Magnus, who lays on the other side of the double bed. He was wet with sweat. I changed him into a thin button-up and simple black pants. It was so un-Magnuslike but this seemed the most comfortable for our coming trip.

I zip the bag shut and throw it over my shoulder. I entered the livingroom where the others waited, black sportsbags like mine resting against their ankles. Everyone watched me when I entered.

"How are we going to travel," I ask. "With the mundane-devices. What was it called again Clary," asks my mother. "It's a plane, Maryse. As we don't know how to reach other warlocks, we need to travel with plane and buses," Clary explained.

Great, sitting inside a plane with a sick warlock and some Shadowhunters from who only one knows how to act like a mundane. I shrug and sign Jace to come over. We lift Magnus from the bed and each take one of his arms over our shoulders, dragging him between us.

We hired a taxi and went to the airport. Clary explained us which plane we had to take to London. We sat down in our places and Clary puts some earbuds in her ears, closing her eyes. "What are you doing," asks Jace, who sits next to her. "Listening to music and trying to sleep. Look, more people do that," Clary explains, waving with her hands to sign to the audience. 

My thoughts drift off and I stare at Magnus. My eyelids become heavier and I desperately ache some sleep. I haven't slept properly since Magnus began to show some signals of being really sick. My dreams turned nightmares in which Magnus would die because I didn't do anything.

I sink into a dreamless sleep, blank of exhaustion.

"Alec.. Alec, wake up." I groan and blink a couple of times with my eyes. My sister was leaning over Magnus and taps me on my shoulder to wake me. Well, she succeeded in that. "Wha-wha-what's wrong," I ask, yawning mid-sentence. 

"The intercom just said we're nearly in London. I thought I should wake you up before we are actually landing." "Thanks Izzy," I sigh, rubbing through my eyes. The dark circles were probably even worse. 

"Are you okay, you seem really tired.. is this the first time you slept in a week or something," Izzy asks. "I think that's a quite accurate description of my sleeping schedule of this week," I sigh. Magnus stirred next to me and my eyes flash quickly to my boyfriend.

I never want to lose Magnus and definately not because of a stupid sickness he is too stubborn for to admit!

Clary leans over Jace to Magnus, Izzy, mom and me. "We are landing within minutes. Then we need to get our bags and find a hotel. It is nearly dinnertime, so we can eat at the hotel and take a good rest." I want to object, saying that Magnus' health is more important then that, but Clary's expression said that she was deciding.

"Good. Let's find a hotel and step in bed early," mom says. We walk out of the plane, get our bags as quickly as we can and strut through London. It wasn't difficult to find anything when you lived in a big city like New York and had a Clary with you.

We checked in and Clary and Jace would share a bed, we would place Magnus in a single bed and Izzy and I would share. Mom as well would get a bed for her own. Clary visited me when everyone was freshing up for dinner. "Tomorrow we will find Mary Stole, Alec.. I promise you," she said.

Our relationship had changed a lot since we first met and for the better, I think with a smile.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now