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The Warlock With The Purple Eyes, The High Warlock of Amsterdam
Chapter 4: On the way to Mary Stole

Clary's P.O.V:

It was quite nice to awaken next to Jace's bodywarmth, his strong arms wrapped around my figure. It was not nice when you remembered why exactly you were at a hotel room and not alone with Jace.

I step out of bed, rubbing in my eyes. My ears catch the sound of movement in Magnus room. I had an idea who it had to be, but I still went checking. I was right when I saw Alec sitting in a chair next to his bed, holding his pale hands.

Magnus whole body was simply getting white. White like milk. It made me worry... I never saw someone pale that much when they were sick. I begin to understand Alec's worries. "Is everything fine," I ask.

Alec shrugs. "It's not fine with Magnus so it's not with me. When are we leaving to meet Mary Stole?" I sigh because he asked the same yesterday before we went to sleep. "After breakfast. I think you really need one, Alec.. I'm worrying about you."

"You shouldn't worry about me, but about Magnus," Alec protests. "Well, I worry about both of you," I snap at him. Didn't he see that he was important too? This reminded me of something Magnus once said to me.

"Your Jace might be gold, but my Alexander is silver. Many people don't know it, but silver is much more worth then gold." Of course I didn't agree, but I can see what Magnus meant by it. You rarely meet someone like Alec. It is special to have met people like Magnus, Alec, Izzy and Jace.

The others slowly awakened after that and we all showered and ate some breakfast. I sometimes glanced at Alec, who slowly pushed his breakfast around on the plate until Maryse said that we wouldn't go if he didn't eat. Then Alec looked like a pig eating, trying to get the food inside his stomach as fast as he could.

We grabbed our jackets and walked through the big city called London. It was quite difficult to find the adress so it took 4 hours. Around noon we reached the apartment building. We walk up the stairs and knock on the door of the penthouse.

Maryse pressed the button of the bell and a loud hum sounds loudly through the hall with large glass windows. The door opens and a small toddler stands in the doorway. It was a boy with ravenblack hair and a fuchsia skin. His green eyes look gigantic and he wears a cute outfit.

We were all quite surprised to see this toddler. "Hewwo, cwan I hewp," asks the toddler. He was so cute! Even his voice was perfect.

Maryse's mother insticts kick in and she sinks on her knees to have the same eye-level as the kid. "Hello boy, we are looking for Mary Stole. Is she living here?"

The toddler boy frowns his eyebrows. "Who awe you?" "I am Maryse Lightwood, these are my son Alexander and daughter Isabelle and Jace and Clary. We are here on behalf of Magnus Bane.."

Someone turns around the corner. She wears a tight white button-up without sleeves, a black choker and tight black high-waisted jeans, hugging her hips and small waist. She was a beauty, maybe 18 or 19 years old.

The extraordinairy thing of her was that she had purple eyes. Bright purple eyes with her pupils in a slit like the ones of a snake. It didn't make her ugly though, it seemed like it made her even more beautiful. It gave her character.

She looked observingly at us and she taps the fuchia toddler on the shoulder. "Come on Roman, go back to the livingroom and play with Emily. I need to talk with these people." The toddler smiles goofily and stumbles away, turning around the corner.

The woman's gaze hardened and she crossed her arms. "What can I help the Nephilim with?" "We are here for a warlock," Alec explains quickly. The girl smiles and crooks an eyebrow. "Really? Since when does the Nephilim care for warlock business?"

"Because he's my boyfriend and our friend," Alec explained. The girl bursts out in laughter. "The Nephilim.. with a warlock? That's the best joke I've heard in 139 years," the woman explained, "Who even is this warlock?"

"Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn," Maryse said coldly. Jace and I share a look. This was not going the good way.

"Wait.. Magnus? What is wrong with Magnus?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now