R.I.P Internet

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So, I've been talking to a friend today about net neutrality, and how it's now been repealed, (or, at least the process to repeal it has begun), in certain American territories, and I figured it would be a good topic of discussion.


If you don't already know, Net Neutrality has been a thing since the birth of the internet... in most parts of the world, at least. It's the idea that anyone, anywhere, can have unrestricted and untampered access to a free and open internet. And the geniuses of the world just thought it would be a good idea to abolish it.
So, no matter what you're view on net neutrality is, I think we can agree on at least one thing first - the internet is a pretty great place, right?

Thanks to the internet, people can sit down at their computer, or with their phone or tablet, and they can create something. Whether it's creating a video, writing a story, editing music, or creating art, the internet has allowed anyone, anywhere to simply be able to create whatever they like, and share it with anyone else, anywhere else. The internet has revolutionised the way we go about our lives. It has allowed us to meet new people, too. Like, one of my best friends I met plainly because of the existence of the internet. And all of you reading this? Yep. None of this would be possible without the internet.
So at least we agree on that.

Now, imagine a world without net neutrality. For those of you who don't know much about it, let me explain what some of the kind of things that could happen are.
First of all, internet service providers, (such as Verizon, Virgin Media, AT&T, whatever), will actually be able to modify the way you use the internet, and for me, this is by far one of the worst effects. For example, you could be restricted from viewing certain sites on the internet simply because they contain views or opinions that your internet service providers may disagree with. All the information in the world that was once available to you is now restricted because companies plainly don't want you to see it. Additionally, they could potentially be able to speed up or slow down internet speed to any given person at any given time, so service won't actually be equal for customers.
Secondly, it's a possibility that you could be charged money to use services that were once free to you. YouTube, Soundcloud, maybe even Wattpad could suddenly cost money to use.

Hmmph. Net neutrality is responsible for protecting free speech on the internet too, yeah? That's why massive corporations such as Google and Facebook were able to start up and become what they are today. Google create some of the world's best and most innovative technology in the world, and that's exactly what net neutrality stands for. Innovation. In fact, small businesses rely on the internet as a way of advertisement and reaching out to customers. Hell, in the long run, society itself relies heavily on the internet and it's benefits.

Look... at the end of the day, this is just my opinion, and I don't want it to affect the way you guys think about the matter, I just want to... spread awareness, I guess. A huge portion of the world, millions, maybe even more, are fighting to keep net neutrality alive, or more accurately, to bring it back. Because believe me, the internet NEEDS net neutrality to work like it does, it always has. A world without net neutrality could be difficult to imagine because we're so used to having it.

The internet... is awesome. It offers so much potential, and it has allowed so much to become possible. One day, I was able to sit down with an iPad and put the ideas I had in my head down as stories which I could then share with you guys SOLELY BECAUSE of the internet. More than that though, it allows people like us to meet, converse, and inspire eachother with the content that we create.

Honestly, I'm British, and as of now, the risk of losing net neutrality isn't really a risk in my country. But that doesn't mean losing net neutrality isn't a problem. So please, let me know what you guys think about this, I'd love to hear your opinion no matter what side you're on. And please, if you feel like you want to help, read around a bit and look up #savethenet. There are many people out there who are making great points and putting forth fantastic arguments. The internet is arguably one of mankind's greatest inventions. Let's not allow it to be ruined by some greedy politicians who are ultimately out just to make more money and gain more power.

~ Wanderer.

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