Tag 24

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Ahhh... Back here yet again. It's been a while. Noooow then...

I have 9 chapters to upload! All of them tag chapters, but... ye. They're all from the amazing LapisLazulli2 as well, these are just the tags that I haven't done which I need to catch up on. Looks like I'll be on a bit of a spree. Let's get started.

There's no image with this tag, so I'll write the questions followed by the answers.

Any new or exciting things that you'd like to share?
Hm. I mean, we just had E3, and loads of new games just got announced that I'm seriously looking forward to. There's a new Gorillaz album coming out this month which I'm hyped for, and of course Attack On Titan season 3 next month! I's a hyped boi OwO

Am I an early bird or a night owl?

Am I a good cook?
No. I can make myself food, I mean, especially ramen... but I'm not a great cook or anything.

Am I a hoarder?
Not at all. I don't really have any collections, and my room is pretty neat and tidy. Besides, most of the stuff I own is virtual anyway.

Am I a dog person or a cat person?
I like both doggos and cats, but, eheh... I seem to prefer cats. Even though I'm allergic to them.

Am I scared of heights?
Not at all.

Am I close to anyone that I previously disliked?
Uhhh... I mean, nobody that I can think of. In other words, there's no significant answer here.

Am I high maintenance?
No. No I'm not. Lock me in a room without light, food, or water for a couple of days and I'd be fine. Just give me an internet connection, I have like a billion things to do and some really special people to talk to.

Am I more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head on?
Well that's more complicated for me. I could take care of myself if someone were to fight me physically, but I choose to avoid physical violence, it's not worth it. I don't want to end up like the type of person in the world who follows the illusion that physical strength makes them the best. Besides, mental strength is far more powerful than physical strength in the long run.

Am I named after anyone?
My middle name came from like... my great great grandfather, or something. Otherwise, no.

Are you satisfied with how you spend your money?
Thing is with money, it's always lying around for me. Like, there's loads of stuff I wanna buy, I just never get around to it. But sure, I'm happy with my investment of money.

At what age did I go on my first date?
*sigh* God... nah, I've never been on a date in my life, but... I really want to. More than anything.

Maybe just lie on the beach with my special someone, looking up at the stars on a clear night... that's all that I could want in this world.

Are my parents still married?
They never have married. But yeah, mum x dad is still canon. Not that I'd really care whether it was or not though.

Did I dream last night?
Yes I did...

Do I have a garden?
I do. A small one, but yeah. There's our own small tree which provides food for the birds, and a few sunflowers

Thanks for reading, everyone. Next chapter up soon.

~ Wanderer

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