Chapter Three: Flooded

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Chapter Three: Flooded

The night was spent with Nick flailing around in bed, kicking me or Zane in the back. He got Zane in the crotch four times before Zane picked him up and carried him back to his own bed, but by that time it was four in the morning and we were too tired to have sex.

Now it's Saturday morning, Valentina and Vivienne are in their walkers, and the six boys are outside playing.

Zane walking around the house shirtless is making me mad because I want to have sex.

So I pick up my phone and dial Vanessa.


"Babysit for me." I say.


"Because I'm being cock blocked by eight children. Do you know how long it's been since I had sex? It's been ten months. Ten fucking months! I need something. Just take two."

I hear her talking to my brother.

"We'll take two." She says. "We'll take Liam and Logan."

"Great. Thank you."

"Yeah." She mutters.

I get off the phone with her and sigh.

Two down, six to go.

I dial Reagan's wife, Lauren next.

It rings two times and stops.

"Hello?" Reagan answers her phone.

"Hey." I say.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you babysit?"

"Hell no. You have eight kids, Belle."

"Reagan, don't swear in front of Amanda!"

"Come on, just take two." I plead. He groans.

"Which two?"

"You can pick."

"Liam and Logan."

"Liam and Logan are already spoken for." In inform him.

"Ben and Brandon then."

"Fine. They'll be dropped off in a little while."

"How long will we have them?" He asks.

"Just a few hours." I say. "They'll be picked up before dinner."

"Alright." He says.

We get off the phone and dial Evelyn, Tanner's wife next.

It rings four times and stops.

"Hello?" Tanner answers.

"Hey Tanner, what's up?"

"Just laying around the house. Why?"

"Wanna babysit?" I ask.

"Belle, you have like, eighty kids."

"I only have eight." I whine. "And four of them are spoken for. Come on, take two."

He sighs. "Why?"


"Because why?"

I snap. "Tanner, I haven't had sex in ten months. Ten fucking months, and every time I get close to being penetrated I'm interrupted by one of my millions of kids!"

"Ew. Gross." He grumbles. "Fine. I'll take Liam and Logan."

"Why does everyone pick them?"

"Because they're oldest and most likely to listen."

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