Chapter Four: Wolf

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I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday :( I'm still sick and I got worse instead of better. I'm feeling a bit better today. I have a little more energy and the cough is better, so we'll see :)

Anyways, enjoy and good luck for those of you that have exams this week


Chapter Four: Wolf

I hear the bedroom door creak and then footsteps.

After a few minutes of sitting around, I just went up to bed. I put the kids in their rooms and now I'm in bed with Valentina and Vivienne sleeping next to me.

I can hear somebody, probably Zane, walking around the bedroom, and then paper ruffling.

"Are you up?" Zane murmurs.

Is he going to apologize?

"I'm up."

I feel the bed dip down on the other side of the girls, and then a soft clicking noise. The lamp on his side of the bed lights up, illuminating the bedroom. He glances down at the twins and then up at me. His right hand is clasped in a fist and his eyes show regret.

"Yes?" I ask patiently.

"I never should have shouted at you, Rosabelle. I'm sorry. I could list my reasons for being frustrated but a million of them would never equal up to me having the right to yell at you. I'm usually calm, you know this."

"I know. It's alright Zane. I forgive you."

When I found out I was pregnant with Liam and Logan, he had every single right in the world to believe I was cheating on him but he didn't, instead he stayed calm and waited for me to explain.

Now he lost his temper and I'm not going to get really mad about it. He's human and I've had my fair share of shouting at him when I'm angry.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. Here, I've been gone so long because I was at the mall."

He drops something into my hand. I lower my gaze to the item, a gasp escaping my lips.

It's a simple bracelet with diamonds going all around the entire thing. It's beautiful.

Throughout the years, Zane has always managed to surprise me. For no reason, whether it be necklaces or earrings or flowers, he never fails to make sure I know that he loves me.

Every piece of jewelry he buys, it has never turned my skin green.

"Oh Zane, you didn't have-"

"I wanted to." He insists. "Not to buy your forgiveness, but to apologize and remind you how much I love you."

He's so sweet. I carefully lean over the twins to kiss him.

"Thank you." I whisper against his lips.

"Anything for my wife." He murmurs. "I'm sorry Rose, I messed up."

"It's okay." I whisper. "Can you help me put it on?"

I sit up all the way and hold out my right arm.

Nodding, he takes it from my hand and clasps it around my wrist.

"Perfect." He smiles. "Just like you."

I kiss him again and he kisses me back.

Valentina shifts in her sleep so we pull away.

"Do you want go to on a drive with me?"

"I would but the kids..." I trail off.

"Your parents told me they would watch them. They're all asleep anyways."

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