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Sooyun:Aish!! Where is he? It's 10:50 pm. Won't he come?

I took my phone to call him but stopped hearing the door bell.
"It must be him." I said and went to the door.

I opened the door and it revealed Jungkook.

Sooyun:Hi. Why are you so late?
Jungkook:I had some work.
Sooyun: Okay. Come in.
He entered.

He sat on the sofa.I went and sat beside him. He was quite.

Sooyun:Are you okay?
Sooyun:I don't think so.....
Jungkook: Actually I am having a headache.
Sooyun: You should have tell me that earlier. I am going to bring medicine. Stay here till then.

I went to my room in search of the medicine.

Sooyun:Where is it? Where did I keep it?

Suddenly I heard a whistle.

I turned around and saw Jungkook....whistling and...locking the door.

Sooyun:Jungkook, do you need something? Why did you locked the door.

He didn't answer. He just kept whistling and coming towards me.

Sooyun:What a-are you doing?
I said stuttering and scared.

Suddenly I fell on the bed.

He got on the bed and kept coming towards me and I kept going backwards.

Then suddenly got on top of me and he pinned me by holding my two wrists above my head .He was so close to me.

Sooyun:W-what are you doing, J-jungkook?
I said scared.

Jungkook:I am doing the thing that I wanted to do for years.
He said creepily and smirked.

Sooyun:It's not funny. Get of-

Then....he kissed me roughly....

I started doing everything to get him off me, to stop what is he doing but It all didn't work.

Then he stopped kissing and took off his shirt.

Jungkook:Let's do it, Sooyun-sshi.

That night I was screaming , begging him to stop. But he didn't. He kept doing it again and again. He hurted me. He stole me innocence.

When he was pleased, he got off me and started dressing himself.

I covered myself with the blanket and kept sobbing.

I just can't believe that my best friend did this to me....

After he got dressed, he came to me and hold my chin roughly to face him.

Jungkook:What happened between you and me yesterday night is a secret. If you tell this to your lovely Jimin-sshi, you will see the worst of me. I will make your life hell.Got it,you bitch?
He said loudly.

I said crying.

Jungkook:Good girl. And when I tell you to come to my house you will have to come or else you know what I will do.Do you understand?

I kept quiet.

Jungkook:You bitch, do you understand or not?
He said yelling  and holding my hair roughly.

Sooyun:Y-yes. I u-understand. Leave my hair. It's h-hurting.

He didn't stop. He just kept twisting it more while smirking

Sooyun: Please, J-jungkook.
I said crying.

He stopped.

Jungkook:Then see you tomorrow at afternoon at my house.

He got up and left.

I laid on the bed and keep crying and sobbing. I just can't believe that my best friend did this to me.

Then I drifted into sleep.

I woke up by hearing my brother's sweet voice.

Jimin: Sooyun-sshi, wake up. Why are you sleeping in this time?

I got up.

Sooyun:I am just feeling tired.

Jimin:Were you crying?


Jimin: Don't lie. I know you were crying. Your eyes are so red.

Sooyun:N-no , oppa. I just watched a movie which is so emotional. That why I was crying and suddenly slept.
I said smiling weakly.

At first he didn't believe me.

Jimin:Sooyun, if there is something wring then you can tell me you know.
He said patting my head.

Should I tell him? I don't know. If I tell it to him what will Jungkook do to me and him....

Sooyun:I will but now I am telling truth.

Jimin:Okay. Come downstairs. I bought something for you to eat.
Should I tell Jungkook to come and join us?

I said yelling.


Sooyun: He told me that he will be busy today.

Jimin:Okay . Then come quickly. I m waiting.
He smiled and left.

I think I should have tell him. But I just can't....

After a week

Jungkook told me everyday to come to his house and pleasure him or he will do something. He hurted me very much. I just can't take it anymore. I didn't that he was this much brutal.
I think I will tell it to oppa... Only he can save and understand me....

I was going to tell oppa but suddenly I got a call. It was my worst nightmare, Jungkook. I answered it.

Jungkook:Hey, babygirl.

Sooyun:What do you want?

Jungkook:Being rude I see. Whatever come to my house. I need you. Come fast or you know what I can do.



I cut the call off.

I quickly went to Jimin oppa who was watching TV.

I went to him and sat beside him.

He hugged me .

I said lowering my voice.


Sooyun: Can I tell you something?

He turned his face to me and smiled saying

Jimin:Yes. You can tell me anything.

Sooyun:Will you be angry of me?

His expression turned serious.

Jimin:What is it, Sooyun? Did anyone do something to you?


Jimin: Who?

I kept quiet.

Jimin: Don't be afraid, Sooyun. Just tell it to me.
He said with a reassuring smile.

Sooyun:That night when you left me with Jungkook, h-he

I stopped thinking Jungkook's words.
What will he do? I can't... but it's too late....

Jimin:He did what?

Sooyun:H-he did t-that forcefully.
I said and burst out crying and hugged him tightly.

Sooyun:He kept doing that again and  again. I screamed and begged to  him but he didn't stop.He  that if I told it you he will do something.

Jimin:Why didn't you tell me that before? But don't worry now. I will see him.

Hope you liked it😉
          See you in next chapter😘

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