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Jungkook's POV

I woke up in the morning. I saw beside me a sleeping Sooyun hugging my waist tightly. I stared at her face. She is so beautiful.

I now regret torturing her. She must have gone through much pain because I wanted that stupid revenge.

Jungkook: I am sorry.

I whispered not waking her up and caressing her cheek.

Jungkook: Sooyun-shi, I am sorry for giving you much pain. I promise I will not do that in future. know I think I am in love with you. I love you ,Sooyun.

I said and pecked her lip.

Suddenly my phone started ringing.

I took it and answered it annoyed.

Jungkook: What do you want, Mina?

It is my personal assistant.

Mina: Did you forget that?

Jungkook: I forgot something. What??

Mina: We are going on a business trip today in noon.

Jungkook: Sorry, I forgot that.

Mina:It's okay. Come fast.

Jungkook: How many days we will stay there?

Mina: Days?? We will stay there for two week.

Jungkook: Two weeks??

Mina:Yeah. Now come quickly.

Jungkook: Okay.

I cut that. I looked at Sooyun who was sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook: Maybe I will confess to you after coming back. ( A/N- Don't go!!!)

I went to washroom , took a shower, changed and packed all things I need.

I kissed her last time and left.

At Office

Jungkook: Mina.

Mina: Oh Jungkook-ah.

Jungkook: Did you told me about this trip earlier?

Mina: Yes, I texted you.

Jungkook: I didn't saw.When did you text me?

Mina: Maybe at yesterday 12 am.

Jungkook: I was sleeping then.

Mina: Oh.. I thought that you didn't sleep.

Jungkook:But why yesterday? Shouldn't you tell me before one week?

Mina: Actually this trip was arranged yesterday.

Jungkook:Weird... Btw let's go.


Sooyun's POV

I woke up and saw no Jungkook. Maybe he is in office.

I took a shower and went to kitchen to make breakfast.

Jimin:Good morning.

He said sleepily.

Sooyun:Good morning.

I said smiling.

Jimin:Where is Jungkook?

Sooyun: I think he is in office.


We ate breakfast.

Jimin wanted to go out so I got ready.
Jungkook also gave us permission to go out. He is changed. My love for him is getting stronger now. And I hope he will be happy knowing about our baby.

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