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                       Sooyun's POV

It was noon.I am now in my room in Jungkook's house putting medicine into the cuts made by Jungkook after taking a shower and changing . He brought me and Jimin here. But we can't talk or even meet to each other cause we are locked in our rooms. We can't come outside untill he comes.

I finished putting medicine. These cuts hurts so much.

Suddenly someone opened the door of my room.

I looked at there and saw Hana.She came to me.

Hana:Hey come and make me and Jungkook some lunch. Be fast or you know what will happen.

Sooyun:But one question.

Hana:How did you know that Jungkook raped me?

Hana:It was not rape. You seduced him to take him away from me and he fell for your trap.

Sooyun:How did you know?

I said coldly.

Hana:After date I was going to home on my own. But I forgot giving the gift to Jungkook. So I came here. Then I heard your and his moans .

Sooyun: But how did you forgive him after he did that to another girl without you?

Hana:Cause he explained the situation. He was drunk and then you seduced him so he fell for your trap.

Sooyun:How stupid.

I mumbled.


Sooyun:Nothing. I am coming.


She said and left.

How much stupid is she??

I thought and went to kitchen and made some food for them. I placed the food on table.

I went to living room and saw them watching TV while...hugging each other.

Jungkook:What do you want?

Sooyun:Food is ready.

Hana:Okay. Lets eat kookie.

They got up .

Sooyun:Can you give me the key of Jimin's room?


He said glaring at me suspiciously.

Sooyun:I will just give him some food to eat.

He thought for some time and then threw the key on me. I catched them .

Sooyun:Thank you.

I said smiling to him.

Jungkook:I-its okay.

He awkwardly smiled and went to eat.

What was that?

I took the plate and went to Jimin's room and opened it. I entered.

Jimin was sitting on the edge of the bed while looking like he was thinking about something.


I said.

He turned to me and smiled.

Jimin:Sooyun-ah, why are you here?

Sooyun:To give it.

I gave him the plate of food. He took it and smelled it.

Jimin:You made it?

I nodded.

Jimin:It smells good.

Sooyun:Thnx.What were you thinking?

Jimin:Umm... I was thinking about how he got to know that you love him?

Yes... I need to ask him...

Sooyun:Oh....I am going. Take care.


I left the room and locked it.

I went to dining room and Jungkook was not there.

Where is he? Is he in bedroom?

I went to it and was about to knock but the door opened.

It was Hana. She looked angry. She gave me a death glare and left.

Why was she like that?

I then saw Jungkook coming to me.

Jungkook:Why the fuck are you here?

He said angrily.

Sooyun: Ummm... I was here to ask you something but leave it.

I turned and was about to leave. But he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his bedroom. He pushed me on the bed.

Jungkook:You look tasty.

He said while taking off his shirt and licking his lips.

Sooyun:S-stop it. Please.

I said going backwards.

He then came towards me and got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head with his one hand.

Sooyun:S-stop it please.

I said crying.

Jungkook:I won't stop,babygirl.

I tried to get out of grip but he is too strong for me.

He kissed me. He wanted to enter his tongue but I didn't give permission. He broke the kiss and looked at my chest. He tore my shirt and threw it. He started giving hickeys all over my neck and chest. I just cried and begged him to stop but he continued....

I covered myself with blanket. He was putting on his cloths.

He turned to me and said

Jungkook:Don't ever tell it to Hana or you know.

He was about to leave.

Sooyun:So stupid.

He looked at me and said



Jungkook:Yes. She is.

He said chuckling.

I was shocked with his answer. Doesn't he love her?

Sooyun:Don't you love her?

Jungkook:No. She is just a toy to play.
Did you think that I love her?
*laughs* How stupid you are!!  I don't love her and will never love anyone.


He came to me and hold my chin.

Jungkook:You love me baby girl. Don't you?

He said smirking.

I don't know why but blushed and shook my head.

Jungkook:Don't lie. I have that footage of you and your brother of that place. thats how he knew that...

Jungkook:You really love me even after I raped and tortured you?

I looked at him and there was something in his eyes which I didn't saw before..

I nodded slowly not looking into his eyes.


He said and left.

I am confused.....what just happened? There was something new...what's wrong with him?

Hope you liked that. Sorry for mistakes. Love you😘

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