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I woke up by the sun light coming through my window.

I sat and yawned.

Jimin:You woke up.

I nodded smiling.

Jimin:How are you feeling?

Sooyun:Very good.

Jimin:Its good.

He smiled . I smiled back.

Jimin:Now get ready and come down. I have to talk about something important.

He looked serious.

I nodded at him and he left.

I went to the bathroom.

I stood before the big mirror hanging at the wall.

2 years passed since all. I am now learning work at my brother's company. I tried to move on and forget him but my bad I can't. I really love him so much but I can't be with him.

I sighed and started brushing my teeth. I took a shower and changed into some good clothes.

I went down and saw Jimin with an another guy sitting on the table talking.

I went to oppa and said


He looked at me and smiled.

Jimin: Oh Sooyun-ah. Take a sit.

I sat beside Jimin.

Jimin:Sooyun-ah meet Jin hyung and Jin hyung this is my sister Sooyun.

Jin:Hello. I am Kim Seokjin.But you can call me Jin. It is a pleasure to meet you.

He said giving me his hand.

I shaked his hand and said

Sooyun:Hello. I am Park Sooyun. Nice to meet you too.

I said and sat on my chair blushing and looking down.

Oh my gosh!! He is so handsome!!

Jimin:So lets eat now.

Me and Jin nodded at him.

We ate our breakfast.

Jimin:Jin hyung you go and sit in car. I am coming.


He said and left.

Then Jimin looked at me.

Jimin:So do you like him?


I asked confused and shocked.

Jimin:Did you like him? You should cause he is so handsome and good hearted. And get ready cause you are gonna marry him soon.


I stood up yelling.

Jimin:Don't yell ,Sooyun.

I then sat again looking down.

He hold my chin making me face him.

Jimin:Look Sooyun I want you to be happy in your life. And now its time for you to move on from all those incidents. So please try to do it for me.

He said looking me straight in my eyes.

I guess I have to agree.

I nodded.

That Whistle || Jeon Jungkook || [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now