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Jungkook's POV

~After two days~

I am now back in Korea after a long flight.In the whole flight I was thinking about Sooyun. I also planned everything to propose her. I got out of the airport and saw someone coming towards me. It was Hana...

She came and hugged me.

Hana:I missed you.

I pushed her away.

Jungkook: Why are you here?

Hana: Isn't it obvious? I came here to pick you, babe.

Jungkook: Don't call me that. I am not your babe. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't love you and I will never accept you!!

Hana:No!! You will have to be with me.

Jungkook:No. I don't love you.

Hana:Then who? Sooyun?

Jungkook:Yes so?

Hana:She is gone. Go and see.

Jungkook: What!!!

Hana:Yes. I went to your house to get something. I didn't see her and her brother.

Jungkook: No!! She won't leave me like this..

Hana:Go and check yourself.

I quickly took a taxi and went to house.

I entered and searched her everywhere.

She is not here...No....She can't leave me...She can't leave me like this...

I thought while tears left my eyes endlessly.

Wait...Did she leave  by herself or someone forced her to leave?'s she...No one can do this without her...

I got up and went to my room.

I opened a drawer.

It is full of  knife,gun and many things like that...

I took out a knife and looked at it...

Jungkook: You will pay for what you did Hana...

I said smirking.

Hana's POV

I woke up. I looked around. I am in a dark room without the light hanging above my head.

Where the fuck am I? How I got here? Who brought me here? Why?

My thoughts got interrupted by a whistle.

Hana: Who the fuck is there??

I yelled.

No answer.

Hana:Why am I here? Why you brought me here?

The man came and stood in front me and I could see his face now. It's Jungkook.

Hana:Baby, why am I here?

I spoke softly.

Jungkook:To pay for what you did

He said smirking.

Hana:Pay for what?

Jungkook: Taking my love from me.

He said and went to somewhere and came back with a knife in his hand.

I became scared and he looked please by seeing me scared of him.

That Whistle || Jeon Jungkook || [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now