/7/ Edited (01/24/19)

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Updated & Edited: (01/24/19)

Gemma's Pov (Finally)

I'm regretting for what I've done to Chrissy and all the lies but I'm doing this for all of our safety and it's part of my job. I can't tell them for now but I will make sure everything is all in a right place and Chrissy won't be able to go away from the lads so we'll know if she's safe.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hey this is Gemma, whose this?" I asked as I answered the phone, I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D.

"It's Clifford, Gemma" Clifford answer harshly and I was little taken back.

Am I hearing this right or something?

"Oh-Ah hi! Babe, what'cha up to ?" I asked him trying to cheer and lighten up the mood.

"Can you tell me what's the video clip about last night? When you attacked my best friend! Please do explain to me what Harry has told me that you've been cheating on me with the VP of Horan Corps. ?" He asked directly, by the sound of his voice he's furious, anxious and angry at the same time. Can't blame him it's all my fault and part of the plan as well.

"Well babe it's all a big mis understanding and you know I can't even hurt a flee" I answered quickly and he sighed. When did I become this pro at lying to people around me mostly to the love of my life Clifford.

"Are you sure Gemma? You're not lying to me right?" He asked, hoping he was right.

I wish it was but I can't change what I've started and I don't plan on stopping.

"Yeah, yes Love I'm not lying. I love you, so please forgive me" I begged hoping he would fall for it.

I am so cursing and hating this job now

"I forgive you but next time I won't let you hurt her, you know how much she means to me" He said and I nodded to myself then he hanged up not even giving me a chance to say goodbye.

I've been investigating Clifford for 5 months since we've been together for 5 months. I found some clue about him and been trying to put everything in to 1 place. Well, I think I've been doing it accurately as I should be.

First he's a drug dealer but he just keeps denying it on me. Well, whose idiot would admit he's a drug dealer anyways.

Second he's always out every mid night and his reason is someone needs to meet him and it's very important.

I mean seriously? Do I look that dumb to actually belive his plain reason. Why would someone plan to meet during midnight if he could just be sleeping and resting. What a lame reason he has.

Last is I saw blood stains on his clothes every morning he comes home and every time I questioned him about that his answer would be 'It's just a paint'. It doesn't even smell like one. I mean why would he paint during meeting like are you fucking kidding me?

I wish I could tell the lads and say sorry to Chrissy but I can't not until if I have enough evidience about Clifford. And I wish I could tell them where I'm working at but my boss said I have to keep it as a secret or I won't be able to find more clues.

I felt my phone vibrates and I saw it came from Niall.

From Niall

Gemma I know you're mad at my sister but can I ask you something ?? Do you have any clue where she is I mean did she tell you she'll be leaving ?

I gasp at Niall's message but I had to pretend but to be honest I don't know where she is.

To Niall:

Niall I don't know and you know that I had a fight with her so can you please leave me alone!

I sighed and put my phone on the night stand and lied down on my bed.

If Chrissy is missing it means this is not a good thing.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed my boss's number.

"Hello Agent Gem, what can I do for you and oh! you're trending"

"Master we don't have a time for that there's a bad news" I said.

"And what is that ??"

"Christine Horan is gone missing and her brother is looking for her" I said nervously.

"That ... Is not a really good idea Agent Gem, I'll call the other Agents to help you to find her secretly but you're not allow to tell the relatives mostly Clifford Lee"

"I will Master but what do you think why she go away or maybe kidnapped?"

"I don't really have an idea Agent Gem but all we have to do is find her as soon as possible before the suspect find out she's gone missing"

'Oh I don't think Clifford would be the last one to know' I thought to myself then rolled my eyes.

"Master what will happen if the suspect finds out what just happened?"

"His going to kill her as soon as possible because she is the only Alpha left"

"Alpha ?? You mean wolves like that?" I questioned.

"Yes, so don't ask many question Agent Gem we have to find her now"

"Okay Master bring the Agents here in my house and we'll start planning"

"Okay, I'm impressed to you Agent Gem this might me your first mission but so far I think you're doing good, bye"

I don't think so.

"Okay bye" I said and hanged up.

I will make sure to find Chrissy as soon as possible and for my brother's sake and my mission's sake.


A/N: I really did intended to make this chapter short. I hope I'm doing a good job editing the chapters for you.


Have a good day folks :)
I've been trying to update and edit 5 chapters each day. I have loads of book to edit to before I'm busy with my life again.


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