/29/ Edited (02/05/19)

21 5 0

Updated & Edited
February 5th, 2019



Harry's Pov

All of us sat on our perspective seat in the dinning hall just silently minding our own food. Some are staring and grinning at each like Dani and Liam.

Zayn keep staring at Chrissy with a smirk while she give him death glare. Niall is smiling at himself like there is no tomorrow. Liam is fidgiting his fork and staring nervously at Chrissy. Gemma is just looking or maybe inspecting all of us. Tim is smirking at the food or maybe I'm wrong maybe to himself. Dani is just eating properly and quitely as usual. Me and Lou keep thinking how odd are they today.

"So ..." I started and Chrissy, Liam and Tim jumped to their seats.

"Why so odd today?" Lou asked confused as me, Gemma and Dani.

"Erhm .. Ahm.. Nothing of c-course" Liam stuttered, since when did Liam started being nervous so much?

Ding Dong!

We are interrupted by a 'god who knows' outside person.

"I'll get it" Chrissy said and run to the living room.

"BASTY!" She yelled happily and we all fell in silence

That name is somewhat familiar. I think I've heard it somewhere.

"Guys! This is my ahrm friend? Basty! Tim's youngest son" Chrissy introduced.

The boy got blonde hair, green eyes and well quite fit for Chrissy.

"Hi Dad!" He greeted to Tim.

"Hey there my son" Tim greeted back.

"So Basty, that's Dani whose pregnant she stands as a MOTHER to our house/family as we called it I actually call her Mum, and that's Liam the boyfriend of Mummy Dani, that's Harry the cute lad with a dimple and curly locks, and then that's sassy Louis- Harry's future husband probably but they're not yet engaged but soon. That's Niall who got blonde hair my second brother as he was the middle brother and well ..... That's Zayn the one who got tattoos Niall's boyfriend I swear to God he got the most annoying smirk!" Chrissy introduced and we all burst out laughing.

"Hey! your so unfair!" Zayn complained.

"Well nice to meet you all, we're having a p-."

"You can sit now Basty" Chrissy cuthim off giving him a 'shut-up' look. I wonder why?

"WHAT. DID. I. MISS?!!" Gregg yelled happily as he enters the dinning hall with a ... girl?

"Greggy!" Chrissy cheered and run to hugged him but being pushed by the girl.

Chrissy fell onto the floor so we helped her to stand up.

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Boyfriend. Slut!" The girl growled.

Chrissy burst in tears and then run upstairs.

"I'll follow her" Basty said and run upstairs.

"How dare you to push her!" Zayn growled "She might be annoying to me but she is important to us! How could you hurt our baby sister!?" He added.

"Well I don't like the way she act to Gregg like she is important pers-."

"Because she is IMPORTANT!" Niall growled angrily to her.

"Niall, Zayn calm down" Dani said.

"Well 'whatever your name' is you don't know what is her relationship with Gregg" I said calmly and she give me death glare.

"Is she Gregg's other girlfriend!?" She spatted and Lou burst laughing.

"I hate to say this but ... the girl you pushed named Chrissy and she is the youngest sister of Gregg and Niall" Lou explained.

"Well .. Ehrm I don't care. As long as she stay away from my boyfriend, I won't hurt her" The girl said.


"You know Maricar? You can't stop me hanging out with my sister! SHE. IS. MY SISTER! So you got to be kidding me for threatening her!" Gregg growled.

"M'sorry Gregg" She apologized.

"You better be sorry bitch" Gemma spatted.

"Watch your word Gem" Tim said in his fatherly tone.

"Sowee" She said and grinned.

"Well lemme introduced you this is Maricar my ..... friend" Gregg introduced and her eyes widened.

"I am you girlfriend!" She yelled.

"Not anymore after what you did" Gregg said calmy.


"What did you say?" Chrissy asked as she stand there by the door with red-puffy eyes, Basty is at his back.

"I said your a SLUT. BITCH. WHORE. FREAK AND FUCKING USELESS" Maricar repeated.

This is not going to be good.

"Repeat that again your going to end up in the hospital" Chrissy warned.

"Oh really? I'm a vampire ya'know? Oh well I'm just playing with Gregg anyways the last time I had a boyfriend whose also a vampire which was Clifford I just used him" She said and let out a discreet laugh.

Did she just mentioned Clifford? Oh god this is ... bad.

"Oh ... Clifford huh? Well he is now dead" Chrissy informed trying to hold back her tears.

"Poor lad, useless like you" She said evily.

"Don't try me" Chrissy warned.

"Girls stop it" Tim, Liam and Gregg said in unison.

"How about I ripped your thro-."

Maricar was cutoff by Chrissy who just ripped her head off.

"Oh My God" Dani said shock.

"Is she dead?" Lou asked.

"Probably" Zayn answered.

"Get her body and burn it then throw her ashes away or make it vanished" Niall said and Basty, Zayn and Lou nodded.

Chrissy cried so I hugged her tightly.

"Shh .. shh .. baby don't cry" I said softly.

"I-I can't she just said the she is Clifford's ex-girlfriend and it hurts coz' I dunno" She said, Gregg pull her to his chest from me.

"Sorry Chrissy to that bitch" Gregg apologized.

"Don't be Gregg s'ok" Chrissy said.

"Want to go out?" Gregg suggested.

"Yes! Yes!" Niall answered.

"Ok, all of us are going out somewhere" Gregg announced and we all cheered.

Not that bad.

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