Day 14

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Mark knocked gently on the door and leaned against it, listening. "Jack?" He called.

"Hm?" Came a grunt from inside.

"I was just wondering if-" Mark started.

Suddenly the door opened and a sleepy Jackieboy Man looked up at him. "It's still kind of early."

"Early? You're all usually up by this time." Mark mumbled.

"The Googles wake us up all the time!" Chase called from the bed.

"Sorry Mark." Jack yawned. "I guess I'm not much of a morning person." He stretched, sitting up. "Wish I was."

"It's alright." Mark smiled at him. "Good morning. Uh, I just figured the sooner we start working on this, the better."

Jack nodded. "Yeah, for sure. We'll be down in a few." Mark grinned, gently pulling the door closed before he headed downstairs. Sighing Jack stretched again, grinning as Dapper copied him. "Morning Jameson." Dapper gave him a big smile, before getting up and giving him a big hug. Jack chuckled softly, hugging him close. "You're so affectionate now that you're a wee lad."

"I can be like that too." Jackieboy Man whined slightly as he wandered over, and crawled back up in the bed, hugging Jack.

Chuckling, Jack wrapped an arm around him. "You don't have to be. I mean, it's pretty cute of Jameson, but you're all just really adorable right now." He squeezed Jackieboy gently. "I bet you'd still like to get things back to normal though, huh?"

Jackieboy Man sighed, nodding a little. "Yeah. That'd be nice."

Jack smiled, letting go of them and got up. "Well... let's go figure this out then!" He ushered them out before he got dressed and followed them down into the living room.

Mark grinned. "Great." He got up, shutting off the TV and sighed. "Everyone in a circle. We're figuring this out." With grunts and groans, the egos sat down in a circle with Mark sitting one side of it and Jack sitting across from him. "Okay, start talking." He glanced around the circle.

Dr. Iplier sighed. "We should tell them, maybe they CAN help."

"They have no idea what is going on." Darkiplier grunted and Jack glanced over, trying to adjust to the echo in his voice.

Wilford shrugged. "Do you?"

"Dark is right. They can't help us." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

"You haven't even let us try." Jack sighed. "At least explain how this happened."

They all exchanged some glances before Dark let out a deep groan, his aura flickering. "Google?"

Google Blue gave a nod, looking between Mark and Jack. "Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache were using Wilford's wormhole abilities-"

"His what abilities?" Mark gasped, staring at Wilford.

Wilford only shrugged, as Google Green chimed in. "Wilford's abilities of teleportation through minor time hopping."

Mark continued to stare at Wilford, trying to wrap his head around it. He always knew that the man just sort of popped up, but it had never been confirmed that he had powers that they were all aware of. Google Blue began again. "They were using his... abilities... in order to influence Mark's dreams-"

"Wait!" Mark cried out, turning his attention to Google Blue. "Repeat that!"

"They were using his abilities in order to influence Mark's dreams." Google Blue repeated.

Mark looked between Darkiplier and Wilford. "You can influence my dreams?" He asked, then grunted. "You WERE influencing my dreams? Why?!"

Jack shifted, keeping quiet as he looked around, watching the other egos. Wilford cleared his throat. "I ask the questions around here! Why has it taken you so long to question why you have so many night terrors?"

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