Note: Disturbing Content in the Video, please don't watch if you think that you just can't do it. Please!
Yesterday, in the night, i was surfing the youtube when suddenly this thought of typing " NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMP, ORIGINAL FOOTAGE" in the search box came from some unknown and lost corner of my mind. I liked the idea and just typed it.
Youtube, as we all know is certainly capable of providing us with beneficial knowledge on the common and everday topics of talk, be it No shave November ( that just ended) or feminism, but few of us know that it is far more capable in providing stuffs about the topics that are weird or less talked about and it showed me its this latent capability yesterday.
A lot of videos arranged themselves on the screen systematically and i kept scrolling a lot before clicking one and watching it.
The video opened with a man, dressed in Nazi outfit who was probably a commander and spoke something in German. When it ended, great scene of ruin came on the screen in black and white that are still haunting me.
On the screen i did not see a human being after that German Commander but only humanoids with limbs so much thin that even touching them could break them; with joints peeping out of body to that extent that they looked like little eyes sprouting from the skeleton; with eyes empty of shine buried deep in crator of bones and with so much deformity that they looked like beings of hell bearing the punishment from a thousand years.
I saw the dried dead bodies, deformed dead bodies thrown here and there randomly, all naked and humiliated-
rotting and smelling. Those dead bodies were so empty of flesh that even if a starving prisoner forgetting everything humane, tries to eat a part of flesh from the hips of man or the breast of woman, could not get it at any cost.( I certainly did not want to write this line, but it was reality).
After watching sometime, i became blind to what came on screen, and the lively phrases from the diary of Anne Frank started echoing in the mind. A lively voluble girl, had to face all this in the last and slowly die a death bought by continuous torments and humiliations- this idea horrified my heart and a great veil of despair shrouded my spirits. Veils after veils came falling, when my thoughts rushed to the notion that not only a single Anne but millions like her had to undergo the same fate.(Symbols used:
Yellow star was given to every jew in the Nazi Germany to identify him and finally kill him.
Anne refers to Anne Frank. Kitty was the name of her diary.)Millions of yellow stars exterminated,
Snatched from earth,
By a Brutal hand of human unfortunately, and
Not by wild claws of satans.Millons of 'Anne' screaming,
And millions of Kitties yet undiscovered,
Waiting for getting unearthed from decades,
To blow out subdued cacophony.To be continued...........
PoezieThese words have escaped the city of my heart and are refugees here with their tents on the pages of this book beseeching nationalities of your hearts. Give them the nationalities of your heart.