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Water is another matter, 
has no direction but its own bright grace, 
runs through all imaginable colors, 
takes limpid lessons 
from stone, 
and in those functionings plays out 
the unrealized ambitions of the foam.

- Pablo Neruda.

The following poem came when i was asked by autumndew17 to write something about RELATIVITY. When i was thinking on it, my mind and thoughts, in their sway of wandering tendencies flew away to Fluidity. I thought there is a great connection between fluidity and relativity in life. Afterall what is more fluid is more relative.

As far as I can see, nothing is absolute in life other than Birth and Death. Other things are fluid- ever flowing, changing and adopting. I hope you like this verse.

Two great absolutes:
Birth and Death;
And all the rest is fluid,
Shapeless smoke,
Heedless gust of gale,
Muffled faraway drumbeat.

How fluid are things-
Which bird is prettiest?
Which season more pleasant?
And, Jazz or Rock?
Hobbes or Marx?
Gandhi or Lenin?
And, Peace or War.

Next Part very soon!


Dedicated to: autumndew17

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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