Without You

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A/N finals will take up most of my time so this is gonna be short. RIP I've never taken finals and I'm NOT ready. Oh well...
Izuku POV

As soon as my small and strong fist hit HIM everyone went into action.

My cousin and Oji~ San were nowhere to be found.
I was by no means weak but against twenty or so people versus me chances were not looking good.

Everyone was trying to get me but luckily I took the fire alarm and pulled it. The sprinklers went off and the room continued to brawl.

I had multiple bruises, a broken bone or three, scratches, and I was absolutely exhausted.

I even found some spray paint. It was ballistic. The visibility was poor and harsh coughing could be heard.

I was in the hold of one of the men who prevented my escape. Within moments there would be no chance for escape.

I ripped through the shirt he held me by. At least I was out the door and running through the prison like a mad man.

I only had on a bra, it was pretty small too. I glanced behind me and saw then coming right for me. If I didn't pick up the pace or lose them I would be in a whole lotta sh*t.

What scared me the most was the grayish-Black glint that reflected from their hands and pockets. Guns.

The whole facility was blaring red screeching alarms.

My heart hammered against my chest.

I continued to run. Where was everybody? There was no guards or other authorities. What the hell?

They must be outside...

I finally was out of the gray prison doors that dared to trap me. I had wet tears streaming down my face and I looked all muddy and worn out. I was beat up, cold, alone, and hungry. Not to mention my life was at stake.

I had somehow lost them for now but I knew they were in reach of me.

As soon as I was about to give up a beautiful white limo pulled up.

"Get in if you want to live."
- Unknown

I didn't really have too many options so I did as instructed by the mysterious man.

The limo speed away but that didn't stop them from shooting at us. Luckily the windows were bullet proof.


I finally turned to see this mystery man. My eyes grew wide.

It was Todoroki~ Kun.

"Todoroki~ Kun?!"

"Excuse me do I know you? You look very similar to one of my friends... are you by chance related to Izuku Midoriya?"

I felt sweat gather on my forehead. Could he be trusted? Maybe...

"It's me Todoroki~ Kun. It's Izuku Midoriya."

"But you're a—..."

"Exactly. Well I haven't been completely honest this year..."
Time skip (she fills Todoroki in on her current situation but leaves out the Kacchan parts)
"Also just saying but I think you MIGHT want to put something on..."

I looked down and realized that I was still only in a bra.

"Eekkk! I mean I don't know! Do you have anything I could wear? Wait you don't have too... I'm so ungrateful. In fact just drop me off right here I'll be fine."

Maid for You (Katsuki x Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now