School Festival

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Izuku POV

"Oi Deku What the hell is this?"

I was cleaning the windows of the Bakugou estate when the booming voice of Kacchan came out.

I went up the stairs swiftly to see what was wrong.

"What the hell is this thing?"

I looked towards what he was holding and sure enough it appeared to be a small gift.

"Oh! I forgot about that! I got that for you eons ago. I put it under your bed because surely you would find it but I guess not."

"What the hell was it for?"

"I don't know it's been so long..."

"Do I f*cking open it or toss it?"

"Open it!"

He viciously unraveled the ribbon and tore off the elegant wrapping paper.

Inside was a small trinket of sorts along with some long expired homemade chocolates.

Also, there were many lollipops and bubble gum pieces.

The small "trinket" was not a trinket at all but a small figurine.

It had the words "stronger than life and tougher than hell" engraved on the bottom of it.

The figurine was quite cheesy if I'm being honest, it was a small mini me in my maid uniform and small mini Kacchan holding hands.

"What's with all the f*cking bubble gum and lollipops?"

"Oh! That's right! Those were meant to be substitutes for your cigarettes."

"Why would I smoke when I have a smoking hot babe right here?"

My face lit up with a furious red flush.

"I know you still smoke occasionally, I can taste it sometimes when we kiss."

"Yes, Mom. I'll stop I pinkie promise."

"Kacchan please stop it's really not good for your health."

"You know what would be good for my health—-."

"Never mind that, come on!"

I dragged him down the stairs, my window cleaning still left unintended.

"It's here! It's here! It's here!"

"What?! You better have a good f*cking excuse for brining me down here."

I swung open the door and looked at the small amazon package.


"What the hell are you on woman?"

"Nothing. Come on you'll see."

"What could possibly be..."


I tore open the package which was a feat in its self to accomplish.

"You broke me all the way over here to OPEN BLOW F*CKING BUBBLES!"

"Don't judge me..."

"I'm judging you alright. Why in the hell would you order bubbles you're not five. This sh*t is for kids."

My heart turned a little cold and my reply was curt and almost icy.

"I didn't get to have a regular childhood, Kacchan, unlike some people who get to have everything they ever asked for handed to them. So, I didn't get to be five, I didn't get to blow bubbles."

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