chapter 2

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I stay close to Ariel and keep my head up. "What exactly is this place?" I ask looking at how someone just punched a boy. "It's  a place for troubled youths you should know that considering you came here everyone has a reason they're  here."

I think about her words how true they are I'm  not here for a reason I'm  just here to right my wrongs. "They're  over there just and cool and remember never humiliate yourself in front of them  or you'll  be the loser in their eyes".

I walk up to them and they look almost bored. "Guys, this is Athena" they all look up and look at me intently and they smile.  "Hi Athena" They all say in unision.  I tell them hi back and take a seat.

"Aren't  you all going to introduce yourselves?" . Ariel says hands on her hips. A boy with blonde hair and green eyes speaks up first. "I'm  Gavin"  he says . "I'm Ruth his twin" a girl says and I  see the same resemblance only that her eyes are a deep violet  colour.

"I'm  Cory and this is Caden my boyfriend" . "You're gay?" I ask looking at him . He smirks, "I know I'm  handsome but sorry babe I  don't do girls".

I blush but hide it under my dark hair and they all laugh. "Cute she blushes" A new voice says and I  turn to see a girl with bright red hair.

"Zara, manners she's new", she smirks and gets down from the bench . "I'm  just joking cool your pants  Gavin when you guys need me I'll  be in my room thinking of why that ass hasn't  arrived yet".

I'm  confused so Cory answers. "She's  talking about a friend Noah  he normally arrives late but it's  unexpected we arrived last week and he isn't  here but you'll  meet him soon".

I just nod and we continue talking until Athena drags me away ." Sorry guys but we have to get ready for the party tonight we'll  meet you at the gates".

"I thought we aren't  allowed to have parties" I  say and she smirks.

"Oh, we aren't  but who said it's  a party we're  going to". I stare at her, "You are absolutely insane we'll  get into trouble".

"What they don't  know won't  kill them right?".

One thought goes through my mind at that moment. " What have you gotten yourself into Thena?".

I step into the club and the smell of sweat and alcohol reach my nostrils. I step aside from the guys  and go to the bar, order a martini and sit down on one of the stools. I was never known for one to go to clubs to many memoeies re- surface when I'm  in one.

I look around and take notice of everything happening. The couple's dancing , the girls flirting with the guys and  I  think I  see someone slip something  into a drink. "Pity for the person who drinks that"  I say laughing to myself.

I just casually sit there and look at Ariel and the guys dancing and that's  when I  see him standing in a corner watching everyone with his piercing grey eyes and his midnight black  hair. I think if he could he could be out there trying to get a girl but he just watches.

He catches my gaze and rolls his eyes and I  blush. I move away from him and go to look for the guys only to see they're gone.

I curse and go back and mope around when someone grabs my arm. I turn and see a guy  holding my arm and I  try to break from his grip.

"What's  a pretty girl like you doing here? You could accompany me and we can get out of here what do you say?". I look at him and push him away, " Get out jackass I'm  not one of those girls  you can try to pick up ".

He smiles but in a twisted  kind of way and comes closer to me.  "Don't  worry baby I'll  be quick it won't  take your time ". The final blow comes  when he gropes my ass and I  loose it and punch him on the jaw.

"Look budy , I  thought I  said  I'm  not one of those girls you  can pick to fuck and I'll  damn well show it to you. Get the fuck of me or you'll  end up with a broken nose or better yet a broken jaw".

He laughs and pushes me against the  wall.  "Don't  think you'll  get away with that bitch". I smile, "I already have ". I'm  about to go when he grabs me and kicks me in the gut . "Who do you think you are? Coming to my place and  punching me?"  he says his hands dragging my hair tighter making me hiss in pain.

I glare at him as a shadow appears behind the man. "I don't  think this is how you treat a lady is it Felix?" . I look up and meet the man from earlier his face  holding a murderous expression. I don't  know why but Felix drops me and cowers .

"I'm  sorry sir but she's  the one who punched me" he says and I  scoff. "Do the crime you pay the time".  I  say and  look up at the man. "He groped me what was I  supposed to do? I just defended myself". I reply nonchalantly.

"Get out Felix I'll  handle her "  He says looking straight at Felix. Felix nods and steps away. I brush my hands on my jeans and ignore him walking away.

"A little thanks would have been nice seeing as I  just defended  you". I smile "Thanks and bye" I  walk towards the door and head outside  just as he catches up to me.

"Wait, what's  your name?" . "Sarah" I  say and turn away smirking at the fact I  have him a wrong name."No gorgeous creep is going to get my name."
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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