I hate you depression

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Depression is the reason my grades are so low. I never felt motivated to do it. Now I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble bc I'm depressed. Everyone will say,' Your not depressed ____! You're just overreacting!'. Well they don't see me the way I see myself and they don't know who I really am behind my happy mask I always hold in front of my face; the mask that hurts to peel away and hurts to reveal who I really am to others. Only one has seen through my mask, and it hurt so much to reveal it. I plan on keeping my real self hidden but she has other plans. I don't need my mom to worry, or she'll become overprotective of me and what I do, and I don't need to tell my dad or he'll interrogate me until I spill it. No one needs to know. Right now I feel like a paralyzed chick who can't break out it's egg. My friend is depressed too and revealed it in an anonymous question in health class. The questions was supposed to be anonymous because if someone had a question and was afraid to ask it out loud, they put a piece of paper with the question on it and put it in a box; her so-called friend then calls her out on it in front of everyone. I hate her 'friend'. She always looks over her shoulder when drawing even when she says not to, she is a know it all, is a complete brat and overreacts to the littlest things (look who's talking). I hate it here. I hate it. I hate the way I feel after my classes, feeling like I am a failure.

No one needs to know ME.


Thanks a lot grandma and grandpa

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