Chapter 5: Introducing Freddie...

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When I woke up on Friday morning, it was pouring down with rain. Just like my mood, I thought crankily. I knew that today, I would not be much fun for whoever was hanging with me. I was in a snappy, cranky, annoyed and gloomy mood. I slumped around getting ready, and when I left the house I realised that I had not worn my usual cheery clothes, I was dressed in depressing black clothes. I walked down to where I have started to meet Ruta on a daily basis, and stood around waiting for her for what felt like one hour. When she finally showed up, she waved and hugged me.

“Hey! Guess what!” Ruta cried.

“What?” I grumbled…I know, I know, I shouldn’t be mean to my one and only friend…but I couldn’t help it.

“You’re in a mood! Ha-ha, a cranky mood!” She taunted. The thing about Ruta is that she laughs about anything. She's a laugher.

“You think? I had a crappy sleep…and now I have school,” I whined.

“You can sleep later! Come on or we will be late!” she started to run, dragging me along. I stumbled along behind her, until I started to run as well.

During the classes, I listened to my iPod, It Must Be Love by Madness played out. I hummed along quietly to myself, tapping my desk in beat to the music. In Geography, Ruta passed me a note:

Hello, my dear baby friend, how are you coping since this morning? I know you are upset about something, don’t deny it.

Hey, ‘baby’? Who’s the older one here? I'm fine, I just had a rough night, I will be alright.

We are talking later; you cannot get out of it. Do you see Freddie over there? Don’t you think he looks smoking in his sweater?

Fine. Yeah, he looks totally hot! And don’t you reckon that Louie looks completely depressed today?

Maybe something happened yesterday?

We giggled quietly, but not quietly enough because our teacher walked over to our table.

“Is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class, girls?” Mr Fragonard asked, his eyes fell onto the note that was not properly tucked under my book. He picked it up, and read it slowly… his eyes went wide when we were describing Freddie. Because Mr Fragonard is old, he probably is not used to such ‘language’.

Deciding that there was no swear words, he walked back to the front of the classroom and read the note out. The whole class laughed as he said the word ‘Hot’. Ruta and I laughed as well, but we were also very embarrassed.

After class, a couple of people came up to us and laughed with us…Yes, WITH us!!!! Even Freddie came up, he laughed and said thanks, and then he walked off. Ruta squealed with the delight of having talked to one of the hottest males in our school.

“Ha-ha, you’re so cute, Ruta, it’s just Freddie,” I laughed at her.

“Yes, maybe it’s not exciting to you, but no one popular has ever talked to me before. Freddie is the hottest male there is!” she insisted.

“Oh my gosh! You like him! Don’t you?” I whispered giggling at her face, she was just too cute!

“I...I, yes, I do like Freddie…well from a distance… I don’t know if he is very nice though, because he has never talked to me before,” she revealed.

“Ha-ha! I knew it! Ruta and Freddie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes babies in a carriage!” I shrieked.

“Shhh!!! Not so loud, Reena!” she cried. 

“Sorry, but I had to do it!” I laughed.

After school we walked home, because the rain had cleared for a bit, leaving grey clouds above our head. As we walked, we talked.

“So…How long have you liked Freddie for?” I asked, my curiosity was killing me.

“Well, about 2 months ago, when he dumped Sandra, I guess. He’s been available ever since, right?”

“Yep, well and truly! He’s definitely a single pringle!” I snickered.

“You really are funny,” Ruta said sarcastically.

“I thought so too…Do you reckon he might like you?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t really know. If he liked me I would’ve thought that he would talk to me, so I'm really not sure,” she replied.

When I got home, I walked up to my room and again stepped onto the scales.


Good. I had lost 2 kilos in roughly 24 hours…maybe being stressed is helping me lose weight… I thought.

It was Friday night, I was studying and suddenly, I got a text. Not my usual text from Ruta though. This text was from one of them. It was Freddie…

Kareena, its Freddie, you’re Ruta’s friend…right?

Hey Freddie, yeah, I'm her friend. Why?

She seems pretty cool…

What the hell? What was he going on about, why was he asking me these things? I didn’t realise that any of them were talking to me anymore…this is so weird, I thought.

Umm, yeah, she's awesome. Why?

Just wondering, does she like anybody?

What the hell, Freddie. I can’t tell you these things, she's my best friend. Her secrets are my secrets.

Oh. What do you think she would do if I asked her out?

I was honestly shocked. He liked Ruta? That’s amazing! She would love that!

I don’t know, you would just have to wait and find out.

Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Kareena.

That was the weirdest conversation ever. It would be amazing if he asked her out. But she would probably end up ditching me to, so that she could hang out with him. I don’t know what I was doing; trying to be close to someone who I know will eventually leave me.

Going into the lounge, I turned on the TV and put on 2 Broke Girl Season One. After watching 4 episodes I went up to bed.

When I woke up, it was 10:27am.

Hmmm, what to do today…? I sighed. Maybe a jog around the neighbourhood, or maybe watch more of 2 Broke Girls… BOTH!!!  The voice inside of my head was loud and annoying today. I hopped out of bed. Grabbed a big and fluffy white towel from the hall cupboard and jumped in the shower. Hot water ran down my back, warming my cold muscles. I pulled out my blueberry scented shampoo and lathered it in my hair. Rinsing it out, I quickly put in some condition and then left that for a bit. Deciding my legs were hairy, I shaved them expertly. Once the conditioner was in long enough, I washed that out too.

After my shower, I pulled on some lounging around clothes (track pants and baggy top) walked out to the kitchen, grabbed a diet Pepsi and went to watch TV. While I was watching my show, mum came in with a plate of Buttermilk pancakes.

“Eat up. I made them especially for you,” mum smiled at me and walked off.

“Thank you, mum!” I called out. Eww! This is like 630 calories! I cannot eat this!

I moved my food around my plate, making it look like I had eat some. I took a few bites, but it only made me want to go and vomit.

I walked to the kitchen, and dumped all the food into the bin, and put the plate in my dishwasher. Walking to my room, I pulled on a jumper and some joggers, and ran outside into the breezy air. I had only walked a few steps, when I crashed into someone…


So, i left you with a cliff hanger...who do you think she ran into??

xoxoxo Emmy_Grace <3

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