Chapter 12: Ex-Oh's

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Matt was nice, defiantly a player, but he was really nice to me. I like nice people, they are nice… “I'm going crazy!” I mumbled. I had made it to my bed without being questioned on my whereabouts from my mum; she always liked to know where I am. I was now sitting on my bed thinking about how my birthday is only two weeks away. I love birthdays, they are great, gifts and big yummy dinners and hanging out with your friends, and this year, I was turning eighteen! I was finally going to be able to go out clubbing and drinking with my friends! Ruta had already turned eighteen at the beginning of the year, so she already could drink. I get spoilt on my birthday, mum takes me shopping for new clothes, and dad makes me a big breakfast with my favourite food, because he is a much better cook than my mum. Then some birthdays I would invite some people over and have a small party. This year I was going to see if Ruta, Jesse, Ben and maybe Matt can come over and maybe we could hit a club. I decided that I would have a shower before I started on my homework. After my shower, I laid on my floor, my school books surrounding me. I had decided to do Science first, because that was my worst subject and I struggled to pass. I had taken notes in class to help me (call me a nerd, but it does help!).

*        A light wave and a water wave are transverse waves.

*        The crest is the top of the wave.

*        The trough is the bottom of the wave.

*        The wavelength is between two troughs or two crests.

*        The amplitude is the height of a crest above the average water level, or the depth of a trough below it.

*        There are two types of waves, longitudinal and transverse.

*        Wave speed = frequency x wavelength

“This doesn’t make any sense!” I cried out frustrated. I slammed my book closed, and chucked it away from me.

“Honey, are you okay?” called my dad from outside my door.

“I can’t do my science homework, can you please help me?” I begged.

“Sure,” he said, sitting down next to me.

After 3 hours, all of my homework was complete, I finally understood my science work, and hopefully I will pass this next test.

I went to bed after moving the food on my plate to make it look like I had eaten more that I actually had. I watched 3 episodes of Vampire Diaries before I went to bed. Ruta and I loved it and in some episodes I actually balled my eyes out. Calling out goodnight to my parents who were already in their room, I made my way to my room, locking the door as I went. I snuggled into my bed, pulling the blankets up to me chin, trying to get comfortable. I closed my eyes, and tried to think of something good that would help me sleep. About half an hour later, I opened my eyes and peered around my room, my alarm clock told me that it was only 9:57pm. Sighing I rolled over and again closed my eyes and tried to sleep. When I was almost asleep, I heard a tapping on the side of my window. I waited 5 minutes before I crawled out of my bed and pulled my curtains open to see a bird sitting on my window sill. Angrily I opened my window and shooed away the bird. I waited a few minutes to see if it would come back, but it didn’t, so I closed my window and curtains and climbed back into bed. Sighing I closed my eyes again, hoping that maybe I would get some sleep this time. 5 minutes later, I heard tapping from coming outside again. I knew that the bird was not tapping on my window, because it sounded different from before, but I guessed that the bird had moved to the roof and was tapping away there. Getting up out of bed, I stormed over to the window and pulled it open.

“Go away you stupid bird! I want to sleep; so shut the hell up!” I yelled angrily out my window, hoping to scare the bird away.

I walked over to my bed and slumped down onto it. I flipped on my bedside light and grabbed my phone it said the time was now 10:14pm. I knew that I was going to be cranky tomorrow, because if I don’t sleep enough I get super tired and then I am in a crap mood all day. I decided that since there was no point in trying to go to sleep (since the bird was still hacking away at my roof) I scrolled through my contact list and texted Jesse.

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