Chapter 1 Found

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Many people in high school don't take it seriously. Some people don't study or skip class and or even school. I'm the opposite of it all. I work hard to study and keep the jobs I have as I can do that I can live on my own. I find it a lot more quiet to study.

At school I don't really talk much to students, I usually keep to myself no matter the situation. Nobody knows where I worked and I will keep it that way. And I hope it stays that way.

Today at work it pours outside, eight at night and it was pitch black making it blinding, the rain didn't help either. "Jungkook!" My coworker Lanh calls me and so I quickly walk over to see what he needs as he served a costumer. "You can go home, I don't want to keep you when it's storming." He tells me.

"Thank you, I'll be back tomorrow." I bow and walk to the back.

I take off my apron and grab my sweatshirt, put it on then grab my umbrella. When I was out from the back I bow once again to Lanh and walk out from my work. Not many people walk by because of the rain and not many cars too. Now was time to get home and study till I pass out or until I feel like it's enough and play video games.

I open my umbrella and start walking home but I'm stopped immediately, I trip on something. I hit the ground and I'm quick on sitting up to see what I tripped on. I gap to see a young boy with his knees to his chest. His checkered shirt and black shorts that were soaked from the rain. "What are you doing just sitting there, huh?!" I stand grabbing my umbrella and covering myself from the rain. He doesn't answer and just stares down at his sandals. "Don't you have a home to go to?" I ask. He answers by shaking his head. The bad thing for me to do would just leave him here to get sick.

"Come on, stand. You're going to stay at my place till you find somewhere else to go."

He looks up and I see his face. Brown wavy hair, brown eyes, flawless face, and plump lips. His cheeks a tiny bit chubby. The young boy begins to stand, I help him and put the umbrella over him. I take off my sweatshirt and slowly put it on him, loosely. He doesn't say anything just stares blankly ahead. What am I getting myself into bringing a stranger to my home like this?

I shake it off and guide him to my place, he walks by me, silent all the way and also keeps silent no matter how awkward the air was around us. I'm only seeing this boy once in my life.

I close my umbrella as we enter the apartment building, we walk to the elevator still silent until we get in. I hit the button three and stand by him. "How old are you?" I said not looking at him.

"Twenty." He says.

I mentally hit myself in the head, I wasn't bringing a boy over, I was bringing a man two years older than me over. The elevator doors open and we both exit, I go to turn right but then bump into him. He gets embarrassed quickly by turning around so I can't see. I walk pass him to my apartment door, he slowly follows behind me.

I stop at my door and open it letting him in first. The young man walks in and takes his shoes off. Clothes still soaking wet they drip on the floor. He goes to enter the room more but I stop him. "Wait," I say and take my shoes off then make my way to the bathroom grabbing a towel. I return to him with it "dry off here and you can take a shower."

"Thank you." He bows.

I nod and make my way to my room turning on the lights, undressing and putting on my sleep-ware. Not long after I hear the shower run, I sat at my desk by my bed and open my books starting to study. He made himself right at home. He's probably used to this.

My mind begins to travel elsewhere. That young man didn't seem to be much older than me, he is a lot more handsome than I was. I don't normally say that about strangers I see on the streets. He is also quite short compared to me when he stood. I wonder, why was he out in the rain alone? What happened?

It looks like his takes good care of himself and the way he is dressed I don't think he could be homeless. The way he was so quiet, he must have gone through something to make him look that down. My phone rings on my desk, the caller ID of my mom pops up. I answer raising the phone to my ear.

"Jungkook, you are awake."

"Yes, why are you awake? You should be getting some sleep."

I hear her sigh "I know, I just wanted to call and see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. You shouldn't worry, that's my job." I say.

The door to my room creaks. I look back seeing the young man in the doorway wearing my robe. I put the phone down from my ear, the way he looked in the robe was unspeakable. I shake my head. "Why are you wearing my robe? You could have asked me for a pair of clothes." I exaggerated.

"I'm sorry. Is it fine I wear it?"

I sigh shaking my head. "Fine." I put the phone back up to my ear as I see the young man in the corner of my eye making his way to my bed. "Jungkook who i"- the young man lays down on my bed.

"Hey, your hair isn't fully dry." I protest.

His hair was soaking wet, he wipes his hair back over four times before fully laying down. I notice his neck was dripping wet and so was the sides of his face. Forehead dripping and his eyes are looking down once again. I gulp from the sight.

I look away and concentrate on my mom. "Ma?" I say. No answer. "You there?" No answer. I place my phone down confused and charge it. I go back to studying, writing down notes. My eyes move over to the young man, I press my lips together and close my books then look at him fully.

"What's your name?"

He looks up at me then looks away. "Jimin, Park Jimin." He tells me and makes himself comfortable on my bed. I nod and bring my attention back to my studying.

Hours pass of studying and my eyes begin to fall and my body starts giving out. I look over to my bed and see the young man, Jimin, laying there asleep. He was dry and looked in peace. His chest rose and fell, strands of hair fall in his face. I take my eyes off of him and close my books. I then stand and crawl on my bed over Jimins feet to the other side. I lie down not getting under the covers, I lazily turn on my alarm clock and my body shuts off.

It seemed like seconds that I was asleep. My alarm clock blares in my ears, I open my eyes, blurry. I slam my alarm clock off. I go to get up but I'm pinned to the bed. I look down seeing legs tangled in mine. Strong legs. My eyes moving from the legs to arms which are wrapped around me. When I see the face of the person I freak out and push him off. I stood from getting off who I brought over last night, Jimin.

Jimin lied there looking dead but his chest rose and fell. Usually it takes a lot to get me up but this is a wake up call, literally. I rub my face and walk out of my room to get ready for school. When I walk into my bathroom I see Jimins clothes from last night still a bit wet.

No doubt was he going to wear that robe for a while and hopefully he was leaving today while I'm gone at school.

At least that's what I thought that day. Boy was I wrong.

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