Chapter 9 Exposed

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Jimin sat in front of me on my hospital bed, his smile filled my heart and I felt better and I was able to eat. Not eating that much for a long time was a big difference.

We were playing Candy Land, a stupid game in my opinion but it was the only thing they had to keep us entertained. Jimin was a patient here last night but they said he could stay as long as he wanted with me. Even if that meant staying many nights till I got better.

Candy Land is a children's game. You pick a card and it tells you where to place your character. Easy and childish. But I didn't make it easy or childish.

My rules were: landed on a certain "special" spot you have to remove one piece of your clothing. (For me it didn't count) if you grabbed a card with yellow you had to peck the person on the lips. Red, you get to leave a hickey wherever you wanted. Green, you have to make out with the other player for ten seconds. Blue was just a kiss on the cheek. Orange was my favorite. Sex. I put all the orange cards at the bottom, to save the best for last.

Jimin drew a card and sighed in relief seeing it was only a blue one. Two blues on a card meant two kisses on the cheek and I think you can figure out the rest. Jimin leans over the board and kisses me on the cheek twice. I smirk slightly but I try not to show it. I'm surprised Jimin agreed to doing this. I lick my lips and draw a card. It was getting close to orange.

Yellow. I was hoping for a green. I shrug and place the card down leaning over the board. Grabbing the back of his neck I softly kiss his lips. I sit back down and feel myself begin to grow hot and impatient.

This was a risky game that I made. Anybody could walk in at any moment, any nurse. That's when I'll fuck him the hardest.

This is our third time playing this game, we just started playing our third round is when I made those rules. Jimin had no problem with me, surprised? I'm not.

Jimin slowly grabs another card, his breath hitching. He picks a card and looks at it. A spark fills his eyes. What is it? Jimin turns the card around and I see it had a lollipop on it. This means he has to remove a piece of his clothing. He had a shirt and jeans on. "Too bad you took off your socks and sweatshirt." I say.

"Shut up..." Jimin removes his shirt. Less noticeable for what we might be doing if someone walks in. His somewhat pale stomach is exposed, his abs toned like always.

The door opens to my room. We both look over and I can see Jimin was nervous but I was amused. A nurse smiles and walks in to my IV. She glances at Jimin and his stomach. It pissed me off. I draw a card and see the color. Green. I smirk and look at Jimin. Showing him my card he mentally gasps.

The nurse writes down on her clipboard and walks off to a counter, her back was to us as she was fumbling with some stuff. I look at Jimin in the corner of my eye. He shakes his head, telepathically telling me no. Grabbing Jimins arm I pull him into a kiss. My hunger was defeating me. Devouring his mouth with my tongue I dominate and sloppily kiss him. My hunger for him was getting the best of me.

Jimin moans through the kiss, it turns me on. I bite his bottom lip and lick both of them. Jimin drolls, our collided DNA falls onto the board and down our lips. I wipe it away from my mouth as the nurse walks back to Jimin and I. "I'll be bringing in your food soon. Or is there a certain time you want it?"

"Anytime is okay. Thank you." I smile.

She nods and walks away again looking at Jimin up and down. Once the door leaves I can't help but feel possessive. "Bitch."

"Kookie..." Jimin sighs.

I shake my head. "I don't care. Let's keep playing." I motion at the cards. Jimin doesn't fight it and picks another card. He shows me his card. Green again. "It's my lucky day."

Jimin shakes his head and leans over the board game again. My hands intertwine in his hair. I feel our lips part and his tongue slide into mine but it wasn't time for him to dominate. Once again Jimin moans, I bite his lip. Jimin hisses as we part. "My lip is going to be swollen." Jimin places a finger on his bottom lip.

"Why does it matter?" I ask.

"It doesn't. Just"-

"I want people to know your mine." I reach to the cards and pick from the bottom. Orange. I place it in his view. Jimin presses his lips together and looks at me. "I want it." He whispers.

That's it. I throw the board game to the floor, the pieces fall and cards are everywhere. Jimin spreads his legs apart, I lean over him and place our lips together. He wraps his strong legs around my waist pressing both our members together. I take his breath away taking my tongue into his. His mouth felt wonderful to my tongue and my cock.

Jimins arms fall from my neck to below his stomach, I hear his belt clink and the zipper to his jeans. "Fuck..." I grow even more hot. I took off the gown I had to wear and threw it on the ground. I pull Jimins jeans off with his briefs. Throwing his clothes by mine there he was, naked underneath me. Goddamn.

"Hurry..." Jimin demands.

I shake my head and slightly laugh but follow his order. I guide myself into him. I groan. He felt so good and I bet I felt good to him too. I start to move slowly, Jimins moans filled my ears. Jimin gasps under me. I look at him worried. "What's wrong...?" I question.

"You grew..." he says out of breath.

I snicker and pound myself into him faster this time. He whimpers under me, his legs still around my waist, small hands clenching to my arms tightly. A knock is placed on my door, I don't pay attention to it. "Oh my!"-

I glare over, Jimin quickly wraps his arms around my neck pressing his whole body to me. The nurse who was in here not long ago looks at us then the ground with a shocked expression. I hide Jimin and I with the blankets, I was still inside of him which made him squirm. "I-I'm sorry to walk in l-like th-this...!" She sets a tray down with food on the counter by the door.

"You should be, wait for an answer." I snap.

"Y-yes I will..." she bows and leaves the room without another word.

Jimin was hiding his face into my bare chest, his strong arms still around me. "Should we finish?" I whisper into his ear.

"I just did." I hear Jimin say.

Oh this man. "Lets finish what I have left." I tell him.

"What if someone else walks in...?" Jimin picks his head up and looks up at me.

"I don't care. You are mine, why can't people know that?" I said.

"I missed you." Our lips touch, a feel of his smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere..."

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