Chapter 3 Home

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I lied there asleep. I love sleep but I hate getting up from sleep because I always question my life. Like the one question that always comes up is 'do I really need to get up for school?'

But then I'm wide awake. I feel my dick grow hard once again. My eyes open and I see Jimin straddling me, a smile is spread along his face and instead of wearing the robe he had sweatpants and a Supreme sweatshirt on. Jimins hands were placed on my chest, he was caressing me to wake me up.

That's a way to wake up. If only he wasn't wearing clothes. What am I thinking. Jimin lays on top of me and starts cuddling me. "I don't want you to go to school."

That's right I started college not that long ago with a friend of mine. A friend that came back from America. I run my hands through Jimins blonde hair as I wrap my other arm around his waist. A couple minutes pass and I feel like it's time to get ready. I go to stand but Jimin was too heavy. "Jimin..." I say tiredly. He doesn't move or say anything. Jimin places his head in the depth of my collar bone. Fine.

I wrap both my arms around Jimin and start to stand from the bed. He instantly wraps his strong legs around me and his arms around my neck. I stand there with Jimin wrapped around me like a koala. I hug him tightly, hearing him sigh a type of sigh of comfort. "I really need to get going, mochi." I whisper into his ear.

"Just skip today. Please."

"I can't. I have already missed so many days to stay home with you." I sigh.

He pouts and lets go of me slowly. When Jimin stands he is only an inch or two shorter than me, that's what I found cute about him. And his small hands. I pinch his cheek smiling. "Don't worry, Christmas is just around the corner."

"A week..." he looks down, something he always used to do.

"We'll spend all Christmas week together." I walk pass him, slapping his ass lightly.

"Hey!" He shouts. I shrug and walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me.


"Your joking! You, turning down the hottest girl on campus?" My friend exclaims. My friend was known as Kim Namjoon, an expert in English and making weird songs. Sometimes he pisses me off and talks in English directly at me. I only know a couple phrases but I'm good with sticking to my language.

"Just come to this get together, meet her and if you don't like her then that's it." He says.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Just this once. And if I don't like her I go home."

Namjoon nods. "Deal."

I was just gonna go home once I met her. There was no way I'm going to fall for a girl. I already had Jimin. I was going out of my way and doing this, I felt like I was cheating on Jimin somehow. I stood from my seat grabbing my phone from my pocket. "I have to make a call." I tell Namjoon.

"To your mommy?" Namjoon laughs.

I shake my head slightly laughing as I walk out the classroom. If he knew I was calling my boyfriend he'd flip. I press the call button to Jimin and hold the phone to my ear waiting for him to answer. The buzzing cuts off and I hear his voice.

"Oppa~" he said. I hear people around him. Jimin was probably going to work. I hate it when others call me Oppa, but for Jimin it seemed okay to me for some reason. I didn't get so pissed off.

"I won't be home till late." I whisper.

"What, why?" He questions.

"I'm studying after school." I reply leaving it at that.

"But, Oppa..." he whimpers through the phone.

I sigh and imagine him almost crying in the middle of the street as people passed him. He was so needy it was getting annoying. "I'll talk to you later..." I hang up after my saying. I walk back into the classroom and sit back in my seat, Namjoon still talking about that girl to his other friends.

This is gonna be a fun night. Can't wait. God I feel sick to my stomach.


Namjoon shoves me into the restaurant. I almost fall while I walk in, the bell rings to the door and everybody looks over. I wave and smile awkwardly. I rub the back of my neck and follow Namjoon to a table with a few boys from our college and girls too. I sit at the end of the table, the food already there I go to dig in till Namjoon glares at me.

I push back the urge to eat as I sit there waiting. "Lisa! This is Jungkook..." Namjoon looks at me and motions his head towards her. I get it. I look over at her, Lisa had long brown hair, big eyes and small lips. She was cute looking but not like Jimin. Ugh, thinking about him right now made me feel sick to my stomach for some reason.

"Hi, Jungkook." She waves to me smiling nicely showing her pearl white teeth. I smile and wave back.

So this was the hottest girl on campus? Was expecting more. "Dig in! I saw you wanting some." She says. I smile more and grab a plate putting the food that was in front of me on it. My plate almost full I start to eat everything. Girls giggle and so does Lisa, but Lisa was the only one that kept looking at me.

God was this awkward for me. I shake it off and kept eating. I was hungry from not eating this morning.

"Let's order some drinks, shall we?" Lisa announces and I stop eating. I'm not old enough. I look at Namjoon and he just shrugs. "Sure, lets order some."

"Waiter!" Lisa shouts.

Well then. I'm gonna love seeing everyone drink.


Namjoon was drunk. So were some girls and boys. Only me and Lisa were in our right minds. I gotta get out of here. I stand and look at Lisa and she knows exactly what I was telling her. I walk out and take a sigh of relief but taking in some fresh air. My back feels tight and my legs feel loose. "Over there?" I hear.

Looking over I see two broad shadows. They turn and I gasp. "Hobi, come on...I'm hungry." Jimin tugs on a tall figure that looks inside a store. The man had a hoodie on, shorts, weird for this season. His hood he had on falls turning his head to Jimin. This man looked handsome. I glare at them. Jimin was wearing the same outfit he did this morning but it was showing more skin.

"We should come back again. It was fun." The man tells Jimin.

"It was. We should also have money, I wanted to buy something."

They start crossing the street, cars slowing down for the red light. I watch the man and his actions. "Ah!" Jimin yells in a deep voice jumping on the man. He's quick on catching Jimin, the strong legs that were around me last night and this morning are wrapped around this man.

I flick my tongue in my mouth, jealous of what I saw. The fuck, has he been doing this for a while? "Jiminie!!!" I glare over and see the man chasing after Jimin seeming to tickle him. I never knew he was ticklish.

I had to go home. Before I could move the door opens to the restaurant. Lisa stands in front of me, the same height as me. "Are you okay?" She asks me.

I look down at my feet and smirk flicking my tongue once again in my mouth. "No, I'm not. I'm pissed." I tell her honestly.

"About what?" She says with a worried tone.

"You wouldn't understand." I say.

"I saw everything and I do. Go get him!" She nudges me and I'm shocked by her sudden action. I smile feeling a bit less stressed.

"Thanks." I said and walked off making my way home.

What if this is the end of me and Jimin? Am I just another? Or are me and that man not the only one?

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