Chapter 9: This. Is. Not. Happening.

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Yuri: God. We left only 2 more days!!! And, look at these!! [Pointing to the crosswords blank] We stil have so many!!! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?! [On the verge of crying]

Khun: [Put his hand on hre shoulder] Calm down Yuri-sshi. Remember, we can't give up hope just yet. They need us.

Hyun: But...But... I'm really on my verge already... These crosswords are so hard!! [Sobbing]

Junsu: [Puting his hands around Seohyun] Calm down Seohyn-sshi. Khun is right. We can't give up. We still have two more days.

Hyun: [Couldn't control anymore. Cried out, lying on Junsu's chest] Unnie! WHERE ARE YOU!!

Junsu: [Shocked, but happy. Wrap himself around her, stroking her hair] Relax. We will find them soon...

Junsu's POV: 

OMO! She lies on my chest?! I can feel her heartbeat!! God. My heart is beating so fast!!! I... I.. really fell in love with her? Man, she is so innocent and cute... I just want to protect her from all dangers...

After awhile, Seohyun realises that she is too close with Junsu. She break away from his hug.

Hyun: [Blushes] I...I'm sorry Junsu oppa...

Junsu: [Blushes slightly too] It's.. It's alright.

Yuri: Yah! Enough of the sweet talkings already. Let's get back to work! [Thought to herself] Wow! Our maknae is blushing in front of a guy!! Looks like she does like Junsu a bit eh. Our maknae is finally in love! Yoona ah... Can you see it? Please tell me where are you....

With that, they started working again. They managed to solve quite a few and it was dinner time. They all gathered around for dinner.


Sica: [Sad] God. This is bad. We found nothing and we left 2 days only! What are we going to do?! Yoona ah! WHERE ARE YOU!!!

Jay: [Puting his hand on her shoulder] Relax Sica, we will find them. I'm sure.

Sica: [Sighs, putting her hands on his] Araso....

Junho: Yah Hyung! Since when are you and Jessica-sshi so close? Skinship as well !

Hyoyeon: Yeahs Sica. You have been acting weird. Kept on asking us about our opinions towards Jay. Are you hiding things from us?

Sica: [Panic] I....I...There's nothing!

Taeyeon: Don't lie Sica! We promise that we won't have secrets among each other. Tell us before we found out anything.

Sica: [Looks at Jay] Aishh~ Araso... The fact is, Me and Jay is...

Jay: Dating. We decide to keep it from you guys as we know that this is a bad timing for such stuffs. We are really sorry for lying...

To his surprise, the others were calm, only for Yuri who is shocked.

JunHo: Actually, I have something to confess as well... [Taking Hyo's hand] We are dating as well... We kept it because.. It is the same reason as Jay's. This is a bad time.

Sooyoung: Aishhh~ Chansung ah,  I guess you should tell too...

Chansung: [Nodded] Actually, me and Sooyoung are dating as well... The reason? It is the same as Hyungs...

Taeyeon: Yah! What's wrong with you guys?! All the sudden confessions. You guys owe us lots of explanations.


Kidnap My Heart &lt;3 (English)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon