Chapter 4: What Are We Suppose To Do Now?!!!

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Yoona: [Shook her head] No, can't be you!!!! LEE....LEE...DO...DONGHAE?!

The man unveil her eyes, taking the blindfold off her eyes. She was blinded by the sudden light, but soon she adjusted it. She stared at the person in front of her, Lee Donghae, her ex-boyfriend...

Yoona: [Shouted] Why are you here?! Why do you capture us?! Why are you back?!!!

Donghae: [Laughs] Because I miss you girl. My girlfriend, Im Yoona..

Yoona: [Coldly] No, I'm not your girl. Long ago, you are not my boyfriend already. We long ago broke up. Now, let us go!

Donghae: Now now, look at you. You are still the same old Yoona. So pretty, but yet, can be so stubborn.. [Touch her face]

Yoona: [Try to shake his hand off] DON'T.TOUCH.ME.

Donghae was Yoona's ex boyfriend in middle school. At the start, Yoona and him love each other deeply. Everyone is so jealous of this couple. They were like, suited for each other. But happy things, don't last long.... Not long, Yoona started to realise that whenever she is not with Donghae, she always felt that she is being followed. And she realise, people eventually do not dare to talk to her anymore. She realises Donghae was becoming more possessive of her. She was left alone, until she met Yuri and the girls.


Yoona: [Coldy] Come out. Stop following me already. Lee Donghae!!

She knew it was him all along.

Donghae: Yoona ah, I just want to protect you... I meant no harm... I...I promise I won't do it again.

Yoona: You are always saying that! I have enough of you! It is like I had lost my freedom. Donghae, Let's end it here. I'm sick and tired of you controlling me!

Donghae: [Crying, knelt down] NO, YOONA!! YOU....YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!! I...I...CA....CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!

Yoona: [Coldly] Get off me. [Walk away]



Donghae:  Remember that I said I'll be back? So, here I am.

Yoona: Just. Let. Us. Go. I promise I won't report to the police.

Taec: [Frustrated] Wait, hold on for a second. Can someone tell me what is going on here? Yoona, since when do you have an ex-boyfriend?

Yoona: Shut up Ok Taecyeon. Lee Donghae, my patience is limited. Now, LET US OFF!

Just then, a girl walked in. Yoona was shocked.

Girl: Donghae, how is the girl? [Seeing Taecyeon being tied there, she was shocked] Donghae, I only told you to get the girl you want! NOT CATCHING TAECYEON TOO!

Taec: [Recognising the voice] S....SU...SUZY?!! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!! LET US GO!

It was Suzy. She was the one who had told Donghae where Yoona was. She was following Yoona the whole day. To the cosmetics shop, to the dark alley.

Suzy: Taec...I...I...Am...sor...sorry. I didn't know he will catch you here as well! [Goin forward to untie him]


Suzy: No...No...He won't do that.. I promise...

Donghae: [Push her out of the room] YOU! GET OUT! THINK CLEARLY FIRST BEFORE YOU COME IN! [Lock the door] IDIOT BITCH!

Yoona: Donghae, please...please let us go...

On the other sides, the girls were panicking. They were worrying about Yoona. The guys too, were worried about Taecyeon. But the girls' cryings is driving them even more crazy.


Jay: Yah! Stop crying!!! Crying won't help!!! SHUT UP!!

Khun: Jay! They are all worried. Stop making them cry even more. [Soothing] Hey girls, don't cry anymore. Calm down. We need to think of a plan quick.

Nickhun was right. After awhile, the girls stop crying. They all sat in the living room. Discussing what to do.

Jay: Let's report to the police.

Sica: [Sarcastically] Ya,sure, and get them all killed. Very good suggestion Park Jaebeom! [Point her finger to the second bullet on the letter] OPEN YOUR SMALL EYES PLEASE.

Jay: Yah you!

Taeyeon: Yah! Stop quarreling already! We don't have time for that. We would only waste more time. We only have 7 days! Yoona is in their hands! We got to work together if we want to save them.

Sica: [Sighs] Araso... But...But are we going to do...We can't tell our parents, they will be worried sick.

Yuri: And, there is a crossword puzzle too! Once we solve that, we will be able to know where they are!

Jay: Ok, I have an idea. Let's split the work.

Taeyeon: How to?

Jay: We will get 4 people to work on the puzzle, 4 people to look the letter carefull to see if they can find any clues and to prepare the money. And the rest, will have to go out to buy food and neccessities. This will be a long fight.

Taeyeon: Ok, let's split then.

Jay: Right. Khun, since you are the smartest here, You will do the crosswords. Junsu, You'll help him out. You are the 2nd smartest already.

Khun/Junsu: Neh.

Taeyeon: Alright. Our seo-baby is the smartest here. So she will do the crosswords. Hmmm, but Yoona, the second smartest is not here! And Fany, who is good in puzzles, is in AMERICA! What are we going to do?!

Jay: Don't panic, just pick one. It will go on just fine.

Yuri: I....I...will try. I need to save Yoona..

Jay: You sure? Ok then. So Khun, Junsu, Seohyun and Yuri, you will be in charged of the crosswords. Now, the main team.

Taeyeon: We have decided. Me and Sica will represent our group.

Jay: Good. Ours will be me and Wooyoung.

Sica; Why must it be you!

Yuri: Sica ah, now is not the time to whine. Saving Yoona's life is more important.

Sica; [Sighs] Araso....

Jay: Good, so Junho,Chansung, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, you will go out and buy food and basic neccessities. Ok?  Be careful. The guys, please take good care of the girls.

4ofThem: Neh.

Jay: Good. It is game on time. Taecyeon ah, here we come.

Yuri: [In her heart] Yoona, don't worry! I am coming to save you!!

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