The End

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On the way to the base they saw a little kid running away from two creatures. They stopped the car when. Allison and Alicia saw that the little boy had a hose, he sprayed the creatures and the creatures fell. When they got up they were humans the kid must of known then because he hugged them. "Did you see that?" They both said at the same time.

"No what was it?" Micheal asked.

"A little boy hosed two creatures and they turned back." Allson said.

"Wow it was that easy to turn them back." Sarah said.

"It was right in front of us we did not see it." Spencer said.

"We must of not have pored enough water on the other creatures to turn them back." Zayn said.

"So we can turn them back." Asia said.

"Ya I am pretty sure you can turn anyone back." Katalina said.

"Ya we probley can." Katie said. After they got to base they got a gallon of water on the truck and a hose. They went around town spraying creatures. They all turned back to people, one of the last couple people they sprayed was Harry. He ran to the truck when it stoped, Harry and Micheal talked on the way to the base.

"Harry!" Asia yelled as she ran to him.

"I am so happy to see you." Harry said as they hugged.

There were lots of people uniting with one another. They had finaly found what brought people back. The army told the news and the news bradcasted it to everyone. Soon the city was back like it was before. Everyone went there seperet ways and they stayed intouch.


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