Butters POV:
I merrily skipped through the fluffy snow as my bag swung back and forth on my shoulder. No one was going to bring me down today. My head was still reeling uncontrollably. Then I stop dead in my tracks.
What if it was all..all just a dream... Nah it felt too real.
I continued you on to the bus stop, even grinning at the 4 mean boys.
" Why the heck are you smiling like that, fuck face." Eric sneered.
" Hmmp Mhphh hmmh hmkmhp mmmmm? (Why the heck are you studying him so hard hmmmm?) " Kenny chuckled. Eric shoved him away.
" Shut up, horny bastard." Eric muttered. I gave out a soft little sigh.
" Nice try guys. But even you cant make me upset!" I gave a wide beam.
Kenny POV:
I stare helplessly at Butters. God the way he walks, the way he talks and basically everything about him is adorable. Seriously! I wanna just grab him and kiss him, but I cant for two reasons.
One: He hates me.
Two: I.don't wanna ruin his innocence.
But just the way he acts and everything sends actual fucking shivers down my spine. God damn...
I wake back up to reality and raise an eyebrow.
" M hmmphff mff hmphf hmph (how are you so sure?)" I mused.
" Can't telllll~ Let's just say I had a suprising night." He gave another wide smile and my heart melted.
Did that Mysterion act really work?
I shake the thought away as I see the bus arriving. I get on taking a seat next to the others.
" Aww look at that. Kenny Mcfagmic with his boyfriend!" Eric teased. I slapped him and shoved him down the aisle. Swatting off my hood, I smirked at Cartmam.
" Aww look at that. the aisle is too thin for Eric Fatass!" I grumbled and sighed. I sat back down, turing to Butters. He looked shaken.
" Hey why the shocked expression?" I cocked my head.
" Y- Why are you always sitting next to me? It's been happening for a week or so now. " Butters stuttered. ( EYYYY that rhymes!)
" Can't I guy have free rights. I know I'm poor and all but."I wore about expression of mock offence.
" No! It's not that, it's just- nevermind you're probably just messing with my head." He sighed.
I frowned and looked down.
This is what I get for years of bullying.
I know I can't take it all back, but I'll damn well try. I lift my head back up and grin at Butters.
"Cmon bud! Don't be so quick to judge! You might gain something from it!" I chuckled.
" Why are you doin-" The obnoxiously loud bell rang, interrupting him mid-sentence.
Saved by the bell.
I give a sigh of relief whislt slugging my back bag over my shoulder.
" Cmon man. Sitting round there's what usually makes ya late." I turn back before walking off. In the corner of my eye, I see him huff and shake his head and muttering something that's inaudible to me.
It's about you, asshole.
I bit my bottom lip as it quivers ever so slightly.
He'll never love you.
I shake my head. That isn't true. He loves Mysterion. Just not Kenny. That counts right?
Shut up, me. I make to class and miraculously Butters was already there. Must've ran by me when I spaced out. I took a seat next to Butters. I kinda feel sorry for him. He's in an dangerous position and God has he tried to change it so many times but the bitch ass teacher just brushes him off.
" Hey Butters got a pencil I could borrow." I tapped his shoulder.
" Here fine just p-please return it this time, and i-in one piece. .. I c-can't afford to loose another one.." His voice was trembling as he handed a sparkly pen back to me.
" Hey I thought I was the poor one here." I laughed. He turned back.
" If you knew what I meant you wouldn't be laughing. " He mumbled.
I swear to God something other than school is bugging that kid and I will find out what and self handedly terminate it.
Whilst being so angry I self consciously snapped the pencil. Butters turned back in horror. " What did I say!" He hissed in distress.
" I wa- was daydreaming! I forgot I had it!" I defended. He snatched the two broken half's out of my hand.
"What's so bad about a broken pencil?" I query.
" After all the others you broke, my dad gave me one later chance and now he's gonna-" He began a little too loudly.
" BUTTERS STOTCH! Didn't you hear me say silence in the classroom!" Mrs Chokesondick interrogated. Beads of sweat formed on the small boy's forehead as he rubbed his knuckles together.
" Y-yea Miss." He replied in a timid tone.
" AND you know when you disobey the rules in this class is straight to the principal's office!" She pointed to the door.
Butters slid out his seat and shuffled out the door.
Yep, he hates you even more.
I sigh and dig my face into my hands. I still can't get something out of my head.
He said his dad was gonna do something. Ground him? No he wouldn't get so worked about that. Fuck I feel like I could guess it. I'm being oblivious, aren't I?
I was unchained from my thoughts by the snickers coming from around the class.
-----------Time skip till end of day-----------
Butters POV:
I thought nothing would get me down today!
I was so very wrong.

Mystie ( A South Park Bunny Fanfic ) COMPLETED
RomanceButters is depressed and fed up of always being the victim. But what else can he do. He loses all hope. That is till a Peter Pan look alike pays him a visit. (Cover not mine. Self harm/ Child Abuse TW)