Butters POV:
I did so and squeezed my eyes shut. Mysterion grabs my hand and seems like seconds later we're just outside the bus stop.
" I have to go now. I'll see you again, angel." He kissed my lips and kissed him back lovingly. Before I knew it, he was gone. I couldn't show him how upset I was everytime he left. I'd just have to stomach it and be excited for his next arrival. I already saw those four boys at the stop. I didn't want them to look at my arms.
Heck did would they even be surprised. If I were them I wouldn't.
I huffed out in despair and tried my best to silently creep behind them. My shoulders hunched and my arms behind my back to hide any traces of my scars. The bus came too fast. On the the flip side, I'd be out of the hellish cold. Yay?
I stepped on after Kenny and the driver screamed at me,
What is this, the army?
If I didn't want the crap beaten out if me, I shouldn't hold the bus up any longer. I could see the impatience on their faces. My hands let go of each other and swung to my side. Reluctantly, I walked forward taking a seat next to Clyde. Everyone had stopped groaning. Even the driver shut up.
" D-do you mind if I sit here?" I intrigued, sadly.
" Ah...Agh..Umm.." Clyde looked like he'd just been slapped with a life-rethinking question instead of ' Can I sit here?'. Token, being in the seat behind us, rolled his eyes and stepped in.
" You don't have to ask him permission, buddy. I'm afraid he's one stem short of a brain cell." Token nudged the top of Clyde's head forward.
" Hey! Am not!" Clyde whined. Token looked to me with a 'see' face. Whether they did this to make me feel better or whether Clyde was actually this childish, I still felt - let's be positive- not the greatest ever. Realistically, it's kind of the worst ever.
I'm lucky Tweek and Craig walk to school. There was bound to be someone getting in a fight and I didn't need that right now. Don't get me wrong, I love them both. It's just... overbearing at times? Yeah let's say that. Anyway I was inside the cafeteria, which was empty, and I was just waiting for the bell now. It can take all the time it wants. Being alone and thinking is my greatest tool right no-
.... This bell will be the death of me. I wavered with the thought of being late or just skipping classes all together. It wasn't a tough decision. Beside not every scar on me is self inflicted. I just needed to put that in mind. With that thought in mind , I hurried to my classroom.
As soon as others were pouring in, all I saw were shocked faces and others trying to avoid me. After 15 students, I decided I'd be better to just look at my desk. After nearly everyone had come in, someone tapped my shoulder. There's only one person who sat on that side of me. Kenny. Being greeted by him when everyone knows about my self harming wasn't on my priorities list. Despite that, I looked up.
" Hey. You've got any ideas for the project? We kind of only got up to the warmup last time. I was just wondering since you really are the expert." Once those sentences left his mouth. I was smiling. Not because this was Kenny. Because someone was treating more than a scary ride at a theme park. Did that make sense? Does anything?
That little high crashed when I realised I was his partner.
Oh hamburgers.
" We can't work on it today my... Guinea pig died!" I lied.
" You're allergic. Craig brought his to class and you puffed up like a balloon." He replied, nonchalant.
Well shoot.
" My... um M-my grandpa-" I stopped myself when hearing Kenny's lively, somehow familiar, laugh.
" You can just say you don't wanna work with me. I won't mind."
It's true I didn't want to work with him. I still wanted to be able to dance again. Was it worth it?
" You're over thinking. You always get this look. You look like those contestants on Jeproady." He made light of my anxious state. I couldn't be offended. Rather so I was relieved. If he kept treating me like this and I get to work on the project. I was sold. Even if I was setting myself up for more emotional damage! Sorry future me.
" No I still want to do the project. We don't have to necessarily go to each others houses tho-"
" Butters. Kenny. Please I am trying to teach. You can conversation at break." Miss Chokesondick scolded. Was that even scolding? I thought I was sure to get sent to the office. The two of us nodded and continued the class.
The class' silence was stifling. This surely can't be over a boy who half of the class didn't even know existed.
This bell is my saviour.
Hiding myself amongst crowds of unusually tall people, I made it back to the cafeteria. Did I want to be here? No. Did I have a choice? No. Wait probably. I'm here now, anyway. At this point I stopped giving two shits and trudged to Tweek's table.
So far there were Clyde Token and Jimmy at the table.
" Um. Hello B-B-B-B-Buh- Buhhh- Butters!" Jimmy welcomed. I rose an eyebrow at him.
" The last thing you said to me was that I was a 'pussy ass brat and no one cares how I feel.' Why are you saying hi?"This was getting ridiculous. Nothing's changed. If you thought I was a pussy before it hasn't changed because of my arms.
" O-O-O-Oh! I wanted to say s-s-s-s-s-sorrrrr-sorrr-"
" No bother. I get it." You gotta give him credit. At least he is apologising. There still is that slight chance he's apologising out of genuine guilt.
Tweek and Craig sat down at the table. Next to me.
" Butters. I know you probably don't want to talk about this. And you don't have to with us but maybe with Mackey? Or PC principal? " Tweek suggested.
"We all know the school's teachers are terrible." I commented.
" Maybe a therapist?" Craig added. I wasn't listening. How can I? There's this loud ringing in my ear. I just
shake my head by default.Someone grabbed me to them. It was Tweek pulling me into a hug.
" Please don't do this to yourself."
// And before I know it the chapters done. I did this in one sitting, I am proud. Anyway Hope you diddly daddly enjoyed. Bai//

Mystie ( A South Park Bunny Fanfic ) COMPLETED
RomanceButters is depressed and fed up of always being the victim. But what else can he do. He loses all hope. That is till a Peter Pan look alike pays him a visit. (Cover not mine. Self harm/ Child Abuse TW)