3rd Person POV:
Butters opened his eyes to the sound of his beeping alarm clock. His father never let him have one. But he wasn't here. He could do what he wanted. Within reason of course. The boy stretched his arms outwards gazing at his previous scars then to his pocket knife.
I'm going to throw that knife somewhere I can never see it again.
He thought to himself whilst picking it. He ended up burning it when it didn't flush down the toilet. His mother was still asleep it seemed as he crept into her bedroom. Butters smiled and pecked her on the head.
" I love you, mom." He spoke in a hushed manner. She mumbled something in response. Butters giggled and made his way out the room. Silently, he tip toed down the stairs trying his to avoid shards of broken glass.
I really have to clean that up.
He made some cereal for his breakfast and sat in silence- rethinking his plan of action. Or confession however you look at it. He soon distracted himself with the imminent feeling of being held and cuddled and was very quickly giggling and like he got out of an insane asylum.
Butters was walking to school with Craig and Tweek. He still wanted to surprise Kenny at the project. It began in the morning so he wouldn't be hiding for long.
They entered the school and it was decorated to look like a fairy puked on it. There were Kindergarterners scribbles on the wall accompanied by decent drawings- most of which were drawn by a boy called Scott Malkinson. Streamers and balloons had been scattered on the ceiling.
" Woah." Craig commented in his nasally voice. They all continued to the atrium where the projects began.
Everyone had settled down and took a seat. PC Principal took the stage with a microphone and Tweek and Craig were mentally face-palming.
" All right children to day our Seniors have a nice show for you a- LESLIE SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE HOLE!" Even after the principal messed the hell put of her face and expelled her back in 4th Grade she was still here. Everyone just shrugged it off as usual though.
" What I was saying was that today our seniors have a very special show ready for you all. I'm not going to name names- Leslie- but we'd all appreciate it if you could keep quiet and just enjoy. Now without any interruptions, first up we have our lovely gay couple Tweek and Craig!" He announced.
Tweek POV:
I nodded at Craig nervously before stepping onto the stage. His microphone was their and so was my piano. I took in a deep breath before gently pressing onto the keys to the rhythm of Mister Glass man. We both had lived the self expression in it and decided it would be perfect. The chords flew perfect through my mind and in my fingers. I was hardly concentrating though. Craig's magnificent voice had led me astray. It really did get better since back in 4th Grade. Soft and melodious.
Just as I'm snapping out of my trance, I'm hitting the last chords ànd preparing for that last line.
"Glassss Maaan~" He resembled the ending voice perfectly and earnt a couple of laughs from the crowd. I rushed myself off of the stage and disappeared in the midst of people.
Cartman POV:
I strolled the empty halls of the school.
No one's in class or outside. Maybe there was field trip.
Just as I was abput to open the boys bathroom door open I heard voices reminiscent of Stan and Kyle's... and they were arguing?

Mystie ( A South Park Bunny Fanfic ) COMPLETED
RomanceButters is depressed and fed up of always being the victim. But what else can he do. He loses all hope. That is till a Peter Pan look alike pays him a visit. (Cover not mine. Self harm/ Child Abuse TW)