Chapter 4

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Butters POV :

I ran pat everyone as the bell rang and hid behind a tree. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes vigorously.  Suddenly  I felt a warm tap on my shoulder.

" Wh- who is it.. Le-leave me alone." I whimpered.

"  Sorry it's m- my job to alw- always be he- here when you do- don't want me to." Tweek chuckled. I sighed and looked up to him.

" Kenny?" He breathed out.

" Heh you already know." I let out a shaky laugh.

"  Why don't you just exp explain your fa-family situ- situation right now? M-maybe he'd stop. "  He suggested.  I shook my head.

" Since when did a bad household bother Kenny?" I muttered.

" T-true...." He chewed his lip anxiously. There was a moment of clear, unnatural silence. Luckily we were saved by a loud yell from one of the boys.

" ARGH!! Don't fucking push me, faggot!" Kenny snarled. He elbowed Craig back. Craig coughed a bit.

" Shut up, white trash." He looked back up with an unphased face. He lifted up his middle finger and shoved it the orange hooded boy's face. Kenny reacted quickly and bit it.

" ARGH! WHAT THE FUCK, FREAK!?!" Craig belted out in pain. His finger bled out.

" Ahh I'm sorry. That job is probably reserved for your boyfriend. He's the freak." Kenny continued. Tweek teared up. I comforted him, rubbing his back. Craig was completely fuming at this point.

" You fucker." Everything went silent. Craig kicked him to the floor and began punching him over and over.

" DON'T YOU EVER TALK SHIT ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN OR I'LL SHOVE A KNIFE DOWN YOUR THROAT! YOU HEAR ME?! YOU SICK, SELFISH, PATHETIC, ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT!" He screamed in a rage. Me and Tweek, still watching from afar, decided to break this up. Tweek knelt down to Craig and wrapped his arms around him. The blue boy was still bellowing in anger.

" Shh. Shh. Hun it's ok. He- He's not w- worth it." Tweek soothed. His voice . Still slightly wobbly from tears. I glared at Kenny. I couldn't take it anymore. 

" Why are you such a dick!" I yelled. Tweek put a hand on my back.

" Butters he's no-" He began.

" No! He's a stupid, white trash, pathetic, rude, manner-less dick!" I grew more and more enraged by the second. 

Kenny looked away.

"Butters I- I'm sorry.." He grimaced.

" NO YOU'RE FRICKIN NOT!" I screamed out the top of my lungs.

 I balled my fists and grabbed Tweek and Craig by the arms, leaving without another word said.

Kenny POV:

I kick the ground as the huge crowd began to disappear. 

He's right. I'm a humongous dick.. I didn't know he was watching! I shouldn't have done it either way.

I walk back home. All by myself as usual. I walk through the now invisible door. When my dad broke it down, he told my sister it had super powers and turned invisible. I jogged upstairs and grabbed my Mysterion costume. I swiftly jump into it and take a step to the mirror.

I.. This isn't right.. I- I  shouldn't be.. but I want- no no!.. God... I need some help...

And with that I set of to a good friend of mine's house. I clamber up the brick wall and knock on the window.

" Kyle.. Kyle! Kyle open this window!" I demand. I see a figure raise up from the bed. As he gets closer I see it's... Stan topless?

Why's he in Kyle's be- OH SHIT!

He opens the window, glaring at me intensely.

" What the FUCK!? Who are you!? Get outta here before I call the police!" He threatens.

" No no It's me Kenny, I swear!" I raised my hands in defence.

" KENNY!?" Kyle sits up a peirces a glare through me too.

" I just need some advice!" I explained. Stan gave out a long drawn out groan and helped me in. Kyle muttered something and reluctantly swung to the edge of the bed and patted a seat next to him.

" So what's your beef?" Kyle asked, exasperated.

" I.. I'm dressing up as this Mysterion guy to see Bu- um someone but I don't know if this is ok..." I sighed.

" Why'd you have to dress up?" Stan raised an eyebrow.

" Cuz.. they don't like Kenny... but they like Myste-." I looked down.

" Its Butters, isn't it?" Kyle chirped in. I blushed profusely.

" Plfff no why'd I like him!?" I defended.

" Dude it totally is." Stan snickered.

" But I'm not gay." I blurted out.

" No but you're pan as heck." Stan answered.

" Yeah you're such a pan, I bet you'd even fuck a dog!" Kyle bit back laughter.

" FUCK YOU GUYS I'M GOING HOME!" I began to crawl out the window. The two pulled me back out.

" Ok ok calm down dude, we're done. So Butters man.  That's tough. He hates your guts." Kyle said unhelpfully. I groaned and Stan gave him a 'great going' face. 

" Well first you're gonna have to stop beating up Craig... and Tweek....and Butters himself." Stan suggested.

" And you'll have to start getting close to him as Kenny. Change how he sees you. Think of some activities you could do together." Kyle added. I nodded in determination.

" So do I still visit? Its not right but he was so happy last time." I fell off the bed in a melodramatic way. I could practically sense them eye rolling. 

" Well if you think it makes him happy then you go ahead." Stan reassured me with a pat on the back. I look to them and smile.

" Thanks guys." I get up and pull back on the mask. I jump to window.

" Also you two have fun~" I wink and jump out.

" Argh Kenny you Bastard." I hear the two call out playfully.

That's right. You're a bastard.

And you'll never have your love.

Mystie  ( A South Park Bunny Fanfic ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now