Preview (Republish)

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// Stuff got messed up and wasn't in order so i republished this.//

\\ Sorry This chapter' s taking really long so I'd thought I'd give you all a preview! :)//

At the far end of the room was Tweek, Craig, Butters, Clyde and Token. Clyde was chomping on his Taco asking questions about Tweek and Craig's relationship. Craig had his middle finger locked at Clyde. Tweek was close to pouring a scalding coffee onto Clyde. Token was sat there sighing and Butters was just watching and giggling.


Soon the interrogation ended and the calamity died down. Craig got up to go get something. Once he was out of range, Tweek leant inwards.

" Guys it's Craig's birthday today! I wanna take him to a surprise party at raisins!" Tweek whispered. Clyde was drooling at the thought of raisins girls.

" Unless you don't mind Clyde drooling all over hot girls then accusing them of being temptresses, we should head somewhere else." Token

" City wok?" Butters brought up.

" No. It's full of yaoi.... everywhere. He hates it." Tweek murmured.

" Skeeters bar?" Token suggested.

" I can't even get on the stools!" Tweek sighed.

" Your bedroom?" Clyde smirked.

// To be continued. This is the middlish part I guess.

Hope you liked it! Hopefully chapter 6 will be out soon! //

//Ps: I'd like to give a shout out to my biggest fan//

//Ps: I'd like to give a shout out to my biggest fan//

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//Hah. Anyway here are the actual shout outs to actual people



Sh00kLord ( you've got butters as your pfp so you must cool lol)







So many ppl are gonna be confused after this. Just know you all make me really motivated. ExceptforliketheonlyoneIknowIrl.You knowwhoyouare.

Anyway bai!//

Mystie  ( A South Park Bunny Fanfic ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now