"Eric," Buggzy whispered shaking me gently, "I must have dozed off. "

"i think i heard something," He said. He seemed pretty shaken up. All of the sudden,


Buggzy and i looked at each other in fear. 


"We need to get out of here," I said to Buggzy. Buggzy and I went out the back door when the psycho killer was there standing right in front of us, just a few feet away from the back door.

Buggzy and I went separate directions.

"I have to get to cover as fast as possible" i thought to myself. I ran back into the cabin as quick as i could and locked the door. 

"GAAHHH" Buggzy screamed in the distance.

"OH GOD!" I said out loud. I hope Bugzy is okay. I should probably go and find him. I head out of the small cabin onto the path.


"Lachapppa?" Bugzy said while coming out from behind a tree.

"I'm glad i found you," I say quietly, "we really need to get out of here."

"is there a phone anywhere?" buggzy asked.

"i'll look" i said.

i start searching the cabin for a phone or radio, or something to help us. I searched through all the drawers and all the closest. All i could really find was a map and.. a walkie talkie?

"Buggzy!" i said from the other room, "i think i found something."

"what'd you find?" buggzy asked before walking towards me, I showed him the walkie talkie.

"we gotta try and contact someone," I say as I flick the switch on the walkie talkie and start twisting the nob at the top, a static noise came from the device.

"You're right, Fox or Adam might be able to help us out" He said, I nodded my head and began to twist the nob even more, 

"Hello?" I said once the static stopped.

"Help us! hes here! HELP!" I heard Tiffany's voice echo through my ears,

"Where are you?" Buggzy asked quickly.

"Woodbury! Hurry!" she shouted before the walkie went back to static. Buggzy and I each shared a glance before double checking to make sure the doors were locked.

"You first, I'll cover you" Buggzy said to me reassuringly, I hesitated for a moment before carefully hoping out of the window.

Once we reached the entrance of Woodbury we heard an agonizing scream, Buggzy quickly grabbed my hand and held me tight. 

"I'm gonna get him, you stay here and help whoever exits okay?" I nodded my head in disagreement. 

"No, no way" I said as he let go of my overly-sweaty and hairy hand. 

"Yes" he said before guiding me into a house and closing the door in front of me. I sighed as I heard him start running towards where we previously heard the screams.....

"Please, Just don't die" I said aloud after minutes of him being gone. I really hoped that he didn't go just to get away from my hairy palms.... 

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