I paced around the entrance of woodbury so swiftly that I could feel my fat jelly roles plop on top of one another. 

"If he's dead who am I gonna sleep with?!" I said to myself before wiping my hands together. I could hear multiple screams coming from ahead, but I didn't move. I knew that by the time I would've gotten there, I would've been dead. I hesitantly reached for my walkie-talkie, which I had noticed to be covered in grease, probably from my hair.  I rushed back into the closest cabin and fiddled with the walkie once again, 

I could hear muffled screaming through the static, "HELP US! OH MY GOD BUGGZY WATCH OUT-" the line went dead,  I gasped and covered my mouth as I felt a slight tear drip down my cheek. I struggled to catch my breath. I began to think back to at the campfire, when all I had to worry about was hiding my huge erection and figuring out which campfire story to say. I sat on the floor for several minutes before coughing intensely from how hot it had been. After around sixteen minutes of lying on the floor, creating a gigantic  cess-pool of my own back sweat, I decided to play with the walkie once again...But nothing happened. I felt trapped, I didn't know how to help. I couldn't help. 

It was at this moment that I realized I needed to make a choice. Lay here in my own body-dampness or get prepared to kill Jason and save the others. I decided to go with plan B... Only because I didn't want to die alone, or at all. 

I quickly attempted to rip off my entirely-soaked button-up before carefully un-buttoning it after the ripping idea didn't take off.  I then once again, attempted to rip off my entirely soaked white T-shirt that I wore underneath. Although the shirt was $1 at a thrift store, it wouldn't budge. So I took it off and placed it on the floor. I then grabbed a black tablecloth and wrapped it around my pudgy forehead as best as I could before I opened the window and ran shirtless through the grey night towards Woodbury. 

"YODELLAYEHEEHOOO" I cried out as soon as I saw Jason attempting to break down the door of a cabin. I dropped to the floor and stayed there, regaining some of the little stamina that I had. 

I heard the breaking of the door stop as more screams aroused. 

"WHERE IS HE?!" I screamed at Jason as I struggled to stand up without waddling. I grabbed a large stick that sat itself on the ground beside me.  Jason tilted his head and began to walk towards me more intensely.  I froze with my eyes and mouth widened. I stood still until I smelt my own breath, "ew what the fuck?!" It was at this moment that I had remembered that I hadn't brushed my teeth or body in three weeks. I sighed before sitting on my knees and crying. 

"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please please PLEA-" I was shoved to the ground entirely. I could see my fat body-rolls jiggle in slow motion before I felt myself hit my head on the flat ground. I could feel my jaw clench entirely. 

"WHAT THE FUCK CHAD?!" I shouted,  my eyes bright with rage....getting a slight boner

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