The Emerald Muse Part 2

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{Quick Author's note. Sorry. I am going to clear up a few things with Izuku's quirk. So Adorable Percentage means that the cuter he is the more powerful he become. Also since i love OP Izuku I just had to give him telekinesis because who wouldn't want to just have all that power. Anyway so his quirk make him super powerful because he was born with extreme cuteness. So with that out of the way, let us commence with this chapter that is super rushed.LOL. Plus Ultra ! }

Izuku's pov

I watch as Kirishima slowly falls on top of me. His weight knocks me down and we both end up falling on the ground. "Kiri, Kiri kun, you are super heavy " I said. I heard him grown and I felt him shift to the side. When we got up I saw Bakugo scowling and Uraraka quickly grabbed me and pulled me to the side. "My goodness, Midoriya are you okay " said Uraraka quickly smothering me in a hug. As she pat me down she gasped and put a hand to her mouth. I looked at her questioningly but she just smiled and walked to the growing group of girls on the other side of the room. I begin to focus on Kirishima and his face is matching his hair color.

Uraraka's pov

I walk away from Midoriya and go to the group of the girls in the middle of the room. "Girls, we need to talk about Midoriya now " I said strongly. "Huh, what are you talking about Uraraka " said the frog-like girl, Tsuyu I think. I quickly give them the story. " I checked to make sure Midoriya was okay after that big grinning idiot Kirishima who totally was checking out Izuku fell on him accidentally* and I was feeling him and I realized that Izuku is all muscle, like like he has no fat at all and and and he told me that he he he is the Emerald MUSE" I said, all in one breath. "Ura Ura" said Mina," Wait! Are you trying to tell me that our classroom cinnamon roll is is the Emerald Muse ?". I feel someone poke me in the shoulder and I turn around but see nothing. "Hello" I say shakily. "It's me, Hagakure. Anyway what do you mean by he is all muscle. He is so cute and small and I'm pretty sure that kids in elementary are bigger than him"said the invisible girl. 'Hmmph'. "Ok then I think we should make him prove it quickly ribbit. Midoriya seems way too shy to be that guy ribit" said Tsuyu. "Fine " I say, slightly grumpy but happy that I get to show them the truth.

Kirishima's pov

'My gosh, why is he looking at me like that. Why did I have to fall on him. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. He called me Kiri Kiri. That was way too cute. Damn I'm gonna tattoo that on my arm. Kiri Kiri kun quoted by the cutest thing in the world. Ohh I bet puppies and kittens are jealous of this epitome of all the sweet stuff in the world. He could probably make babies stop crying'. My thoughts are racing and I can tell that I am blushing. I can tell because Midoriya is blushing. I can also tell from the permanent glare on me courtesy of Uraraka chan. I watch as Izuku is swept into a tight hug and Uraraka pats him down. I continue to watch until I hear her gasp and move to the other girls . Once Uraraka left I watch as Midoriya goes to talk to Bakugo again. "Kaachan, do you remember me now. It's me Deku. You called me that because you were the one that stopped our kindergarten teacher from kidnapping when I couldn't do anything" I hear Izuku say. That whole sentence was really confusing to me but it seemed like that hot head Bakugo understood it. He stood up, vaulted over his desk and pulled Midoriya aside. I lean closer in too hear, but an explosion is sounded off close to my face. Thankfully I hardened my face so that I took no damage. Sadly though, I got the message Bakugo was sending me. 'Fvck off before I shoot your face off'. With that I walk away and sit beside that boy with the electric type pattern in his hair.

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