AU: If Midoriya was a model!

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{Author's note! Must Read! (to understand the au) : Hello! Sorry for not updating the whole summer, I'm just a terrible person like that but before I start the second season of bnha in Too Cute, I must bring forth a filler, *cue 'dun dun dun' music* So yeah, mostly the same quirk as in Too Cute except he's a model and even more people think he is just so freaking adorable (hot/sexy/still adorable/melts your brain, etc.) so his powers are stronger. Therefore to combat his op awesomeness, he only has op enhanced senses and human capabilities (ex: he is still op, like an All Might, with enhanced senses) which means he loses his telekinesis. He also has really bad luck.  And now, for the final change, Inko's alive!!!!! Yah! I personally love Inko, but for the purpose of a plot she had to go :( in Too Cute, but an AU gives me the chance to shower the Too Cute world in Mama Inko love, so Yippee! Let's commence with the story. }

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa sighed, not wanting to leave the comfort of his sleeping bag. 'I really should have thought twice before becoming a teacher. Honestly, it wasn't like being a hero was not enough. With Principal Nedzu always on my a** about my expelling of a bunch of incompetent students, it feels like I never get any sleep'. I began inching my way to my class, already hearing way too much noise for my liking. 'Huh? the doors open. Whatever' i thought, silently lying at the entrance. There was some brunette looking around for someone, as a blue-haired student asked her if she had seen the 'student who was a better man than I, the one who saved you knowing about that hidden aspect on the test and *blah blah blah*'. Aizawa couldn't take any more, " If you're only here to make friends, then you should pack your stuff up now" he said, internally smiling and patting himself on the back, 'I sounded quite intimidating, wonder if anyone peed their pants'

The brunette turned to him and gave him a glare. "Tut tut, what villainous behaviour," he said, reprimanding her quietly. Uraraka wiped the glare off her face, but she still had a newfound dislike for the teacher. She needed to find the green-haired guardian angel that protected her. That teacher was taking time away from her search for the angel.

Aizawa unzipped his sleeping bag and sucked out the last of his applesauce in a bag. 'Good, the students look terrified. He stood up, unzipping his sleeping bag all the way down. 'Goodbye, my precious' Aizawa thought, already missing the heat of his portable bed and life saver. Aizawa then began to spout random bs, whatever he could think of as he thought of what hassles(children) he was stuck with. He then basically told them he was their teacher and to get their butts outside. As he began to pull a uniform from his safe haven(sleeping bag), someone knocked into him from behind. Green filled his sight, as he registered what happened. Some woman, knocked into him, causing him to sprawl out on the ground in front of his new class. 'Great!'  he slowly pulled himself off the ground, as he gave a thorough once-over to the class before turning to the person who knocked him over. The woman wasn't very tall, looking around 5'3 or 5'4, with really long green hair and dark green eyes. She had a slim build and was wearing a fancy outfit, Aizawa couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her for some reason. 

"And you are, Miss?" he asked, in a polite tone. "Ohh," the woman said surprised, "Hello! I'm Inko Midoriya, the mother of one of your students- " but before she could continue, a pink haired girl burst from her seat, "wait, aren't you the head editor of that magazine 'The White Lotus' and that Major fashion designer who dresses those stars in Hollywood?" (How Mina knew all of this stuff? No one would ever know...) 

"Ahh, yes!! I am" said Midoriya-san, causing the girl to shriek. In turn, causing other girls, who recognized the magazine to yell in surprise. That consisted of all the girls in the class and a few guys since she also makes menswear that didn't look dumb and was practical for hero work. "So cool," said Mina, before fainting. Aizawa's eye twitched before he turned again to the pretty (and rather famous) mother of one of his students, but before he could question her about her sudden appearance, an ashy blond boy leapt from his seat, crying out "Auntie Inko?". Aizawa was done with interruptions (even if there were only 2) and he decided to just go and sit at his desk as he watched the boy begin to talk to the woman. Aizawa, ignoring the majority of foul language used in the conversation (most of it being said by the boy, who the woman called Bakugo-Kun?) and listened to find out the purpose of her coming to the school. He only heard tidbits in the fast-paced conversation, such as "my baby"  "car"  "attack" "fans". Aizawa who was awfully annoyed at his class being interrupted, went to intercept their conversation. 

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