One of them is a killer,
One of them is a liar,
One of them is crazy,
One of them is a heartbreaker,
One of them is a traitor,
And one of them is all five.
The question remains,
Who Killed Kim Seokjin?
kimfires 2017
short(ish) sto...
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"Have you seen Namjoon lately?" Seokjin asked.
Namjoon hadn't been home last night, nor most of today. It was currently five in the afternoon and honestly, Seokjin was confused as to why the boy was never home.
Seokjin decided to make the most of his Saturday, since his week long break ended on Monday, and that was when his assignments were due. The boy decided he would finish off one of his assignments for his business class, even though he wouldn't be in for any of his classes next week due to him travelling to Daegu. However, Seokjin would rather get his assignments done now and email them to his professors rather than chase them down a week after apologising about the last minute extension.
The ravenette turned on the iMac that was shared by all of the boys which resided in the study. He opened a new tab, getting up his paper from his online folder and beginning to type away. Things were going great until a message popped up on the computer screen.
from: jungkook namjoon, did u delete them?
from: jungkook because i'm deleting them now
from: jungkook i'm on my way back to the house now, on the bus
Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows as to why Jungkook was texting their shared apple account on the computer, but he briefly realised that Namjoon had left his Apple iD logged in.
The ravenette didn't mean to pry, he really didn't, but he had already read the first three messages, and well his curiosity got the better of him.
from: namjoon yh delete everything before you go in.
from: namjoon i'll start making my way back in like 30 mins so nothings suspicious
Seokjin further furrowed his eyebrows, a frown evident on his face. Why did Namjoon have to come home thirty minutes later? What were they doing?
Seokjin tried to scroll up but before he could, the messages were being deleted. Namjoon was clearly on his phone deleting them as he was reading them. But this didn't stop Seokjin from seeing the incoming texts from their current conversation.
from: jungkook i feel fucking horrible
from: jungkook seokjin's gonna be so fucking hurt
from: namjoon what he doesn't know can't hurt him. so delete the texts and make sure he never knows. this was all a huge mistake.
from: jungkook they always find out namjoon
from: jungkook i feel so fucking guilty
from: namjoon and i don't? just keep ur mouth shut for the time being while i figure out what to do yh?
from: jungkook namjoon pls don't make me keep this a secret. i can't do it.
from: namjoon well it's not just ur secret is it? we both made mistakes and it's best jin doesn't know because i've realised my love for him again.