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•Y/n's POV•

Once church had ended, my entire family and I began to leave. Just as we were walking to the door, I saw Selena and Taylor quickly run off in the other direction. My family and I stopped, and we were all a bit confused.

"What are they doing?" My mom asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't know..." I answered, trailing off as I watched Selena and Taylor come to a stop. I looked past their shoulders and noticed that Tyler was there. It was hard to make out, but his eyes were widened a bit and he looked surprised.

"Oh gosh," I muttered to myself, turning around just in case Tyler happened to see me.

"Who are they talking to?" My mom asked, looking over in their direction.

"Nobody," I quickly responded.

"Hey, Y/n! Come here!" I heard Selena calling me all the way from the other side of the church. Her voice echoed throughout the room, and the few people who were still inside looked over at her because of how loud she was.

I groaned as I turned back around, walking through the pews to get to Selena. I knew she was going to force me to talk to Tyler, and as much I didn't want to, I couldn't back out now.

As I neared them, I awkwardly waved with a small smile. Tyler shyly waved back as he ran a hand through his hair.

"So how are you Tyler? It's been a while," Selena asked happily, and a little too over excitedly.

"I'm fine. How about you?" Tyler answered her.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. Hey, Y/n, why don't you introduce him to your friend?" Selena suggested, nodding her head to Taylor.

"Um, this is Taylor," I introduced her as I pointed to her.

"It's nice to meet you," Tyler said, smiling as he put his hand out for her to shake.

"Y/n was right, you're really cute," Taylor laughed as she shook his hand, changing her glance to me. I glared at her coldly, and she stuck her tongue out at me as she stepped back.

Tyler's cheeks turned pink, and I kinda felt bad for him. I wasn't the only uncomfortable one here because he obviously was too.

"Thanks," he replied quietly, and a small smile began to form on his face.

"Anyway, I was thinking: we all go to the same school, so how about we meet up at the library on Monday?" Selena suggested, and Taylor nodded in agreement.

"Um, sure," Tyler replied hesitantly.

"Y/n?" Selena turned to me. "How about you?"

"Yeah, I'll go," I answered, smiling awkwardly.

"Great," Selena said, and then turned to Tyler. "We'll see you there," she told him, and then she began to walk off. Tyler gave a small wave as he turned around too, and Taylor and I followed Selena in the other direction.

"Why did you do that?" I finally asked her.

I didn't understand. Why did she feel like she had to help me? She didn't get Tyler and I together the first time, so I doubted it would work this time. The last time wasn't her fault, though. It was because I had to go. I guess she just had more hope for this time.

"You're going to talk to him, and be friends again. And then you're gonna go out, and then he'll be your boyfriend, and then sooner or later he'll be your husband," Selena explained, smiling excitedly.

"What?" I asked, bewildered.

"You heard me," Selena told me.

"Yes, I heard you, and my answer is no. Leave it alone," I said, repeating what I had told her earlier.

"I think you know me, and I think you know that I'm going to completely do the opposite of what you tell me," She stated, and I knew she was right.

I stood there, thinking for a few seconds. It was true, she wasn't going to give in to me. If she wanted to help someone or get something done, she would, and there wasn't any stopping her.

"Fine," I gave in, sighing. "Just... fix us."

"I won't let you down," she squealed happily, and I rolled my eyes at the fact that she always had to have her way.


On Monday after school we all met up at the school library, just as Selena told us to. We didn't all of the same things to study, but we figured we could just do our separate things together.

When we arrived, Tyler was already there. He was sitting at a table not too far from where we were standing, and he was looking down at his phone. Taylor and Selena went to sit across from him, while I took a seat next to him. As I pulled the chair out to sit down, he looked up from his phone.

"Hey," he greeted me quietly, looking at me with the same adorable smile. I guess his smiles are the only thing that hasn't changed between us.

"Hi," I responded shyly, putting my backpack on the table in front of me. I took a few papers out from my math class, (the class I shared with Tyler) and set them on the table.

"This was the homework. I had most of it done but I figured we could do some together," I told him, and he nodded, grabbing a few papers from his backpack. He put them in front of him and picked up the pencil lying on the table.

"I don't understand this one," he told me, looking over to me as he pointed to one of the questions. I leaned over to see his paper better, and then began to explain a few things to him.

"Okay, then multiply those," I said. He wrote his answer down, then looked up at me.

"Oh, look! You multiplied 5 x 5 correctly," I laughed, and he stared at me with a 'seriously?' type face.

"Funny," he replied sarcastically, looking me in the eye.

For the rest of the time we just did our homework together, not really paying much attention to Taylor and Selena who were sitting right across from us.

It was easier warming back up to Tyler then I imagined it would be. I thought that this whole thing was going to be completely awkward, and we wouldn't say a word to each other, but I was obviously wrong. It seemed like we were actually friends again. Almost like we never split apart.

"Bye Tyler," I said as we both got up to go our separate ways.

"Bye," he smiled, giving me a quick side hug. "It was nice hanging out with you. I think we should do it again sometime."

"I like that idea," I smiled.

"How about tomorrow? My house?" He asked.


"Alright, see ya tomorrow!" He waved as he walked off.



Everything Has Changed// Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now