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For the next few days, me and Tony take it easy and try to develop my skills more. I'm thrilled at how quickly I'm learning so far. I don't think I'm even close to having my powers under my complete control, or to unlocking their full potential, but I'm finding it easier to deal with every day.

Now I can even localize my invisibility and make only certain parts of my body go invisible. I can't hold it for long, but it still made me excited. I'm also getting stronger with my magnetic powers, and I'm learning that more things have bits of metal in them than I thought. I'll never have to walk across the room to grab the TV remote again.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Colonel James Rhodes, who Tony affectionately calls Rhodey. He's one of Tony's old friends who got hurt in some battle that Tony specifically told me to not ask about, but he's been doing physical therapy here for the past few months because of it. He's a very nice man, but I haven't seen much of him yet.

I met the Vision as well, which was a bizarre experience considering he floats. I felt drawn to him for some reason, especially to the beautiful yellow stone in his forehead. He seems kind as well, but Tony says he doesn't do much anymore. He mostly just mopes around or tries to help out Rhodey. I think something happened between them that nobody will tell me, but it's not my place to pry.

On this sunny morning, I wake up bright and early and get ready for the day before walking out to the main living room to try and hunt town Tony for today's itinerary.

"There you are, kid!" Tony claps when he sees me and stands from his spot on the sofa where he was fiddling with what looks like a robotic hand.

"Ready when you are, Tony." I tell him and he walks over to me.

"Alright, first let's stop by my lab and then we can head outside to-" Tony stops talking when we walk out of the living area of the compound and past the main entrance. "Oh god, here we go." He mumbles under his breath.

As he says this I notice a terrifying man standing in a long black trench coat with an eye patch.

"Tony, there you are. We need to talk." He says, and he isn't asking.

"Fury, not now. I'm a little bit busy with Cassidy here." Tony huffs in reply.

"Tony I don't think you understand our situation. We have an angry Thanos up in the sky plotting mass death and destruction, and you decide to take on a side project?" Fury, whoever he is, says while gesturing to me. My cheeks heat up. "No offense sweetheart, but unpredictability is not really comfortable for me right now." He adds.

I don't know if I'm more on edge about this intimidating man calling me out, or talking about somebody named Thanos up in the sky.

"Listen, Nick, I get it. I really do. I promise the big guy in the sky is at the top of my priorities list, and I can prove it, see?" Tony flicks his wrist and a holographic keyboard and screen appears in the middle of the room. He types something in and then throws out his hand, and a 3D blueprint of some kind of building appears.

 "This is what I like to call...uh, let's go with Fort Fury. I just had it built for the Tesseract, which is on its way to Earth as we speak, since Asgard is clearly of no use for guarding it. It will protect any stone we need to protect." Tony says, his voice getting lower as he says the last sentence. He perks up and adds, "And, I had Thor bring back a little surprise for you Nick."

"Tony, I don't know about this." Nick Fury grumbles, talking about me again I assume.

"She's just a kid Nick. I have it under control, okay? She needs us. She's newly enhanced and   needs training...the alternative is even more risky." Tony tells Nick in a hushed tone, although I still hear every word. I stare at my hands as I fiddle my fingers, wishing slightly that I could just go invisible right now.

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